The undistributed earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries and joint ventures are the most common example of this problem. the U.S. tax code requires 80% ownership to consolidate for tax purposes, excluding joint ventures and many subsidiaries that are consolidated for accounting purposes. in addition, foreign subsidiaries are not consolidated in the U.S. tax return.
as a result, the income of these affiliates is taxable on the parent’s (U.S.)tax return only when dividends are received or the affiliate is sold, not when earnings are recognized. there is a difference between (tax return) taxable in come and (financial reporting) pretax income. if the affiliate earnings are permanently reinvested, then affiliate earnings may never be taxable on the parent company’s tax return.
麻烦哪位高手帮忙翻译一下下面的英语,小弟不胜感激!!Accounting for taxe...
税收会计:专业问题 临时与永久的分歧 不同的目标,财政和税收产生的临时报告之间的差异,税前财政收入和应纳税所得额。此外,由于常任差异从收入和支出的报告或者纳税申报或在财务报表,但不能两者同时使用。在美国,例如,利息收入免税债券,支付保险费人员的生活保险,商誉摊销(在某些情况下)被列入财务...
是要英文翻译吧?I don't know from when to begin I liked the movies. I think, in the movie, the audience can see, is actually director heart inside that or fantasy, or aestheticism, or magical thinking. I think, in thought, or thought performance gain, is an exciting things...
的 六 。 夷 本 ) 八 致 清 以 快 八 另 狄 重 , 七 没 乾 后 书 年 外 一 刻 又 四 有 隆 ,五 ( 还 类 本 有 年 什 的 有 十 天 有 的 , 根 ( 么 三 嘉 种 启 一 字 把 据 同 改 次 靖 本 一 一 都 书 四 治 动 翻 、抵 中 之 ,然 的 九 ...
在搏斗的目标是把你的对手的肩膀扳倒在地。这叫第一个假摔。 有时,其中一位摔跤手在比赛之前会得到金钱上的补偿。 他会同意是输家…替罪羊。今天,替罪羊是被欺骗入承担别人的罪行或不道德的行为的过失责任的人。 在许多情况下有替罪羊 -- 公开地承担过失责任的人们,当某事出错。替罪羊为某事承担...
话不能这么说显得太过矫情,建议改为 希望你能原谅我的过错,原谅我。喝醉之后,我都忘了自己是谁,我感到十分自责,我怎的希望我们还能见面,请原谅我。翻译:I hope that you can concern what i make,forgive me please .when i was drunk,i forgive who i am.i feel so blame,and i ...
fuck !it is not suit to cet.
nice qualities will not generate in a short time, but only exude from inside. Only if one is excellent in himself, will he be excellent in his art achievement. Thus never expect to be a musician with a little gift in music. You must also study hard to improve yourself....
2.需要确认如果A与A签署了B或quivelent文件。“signed off”的意思是“签署了”3. 没有铸造datumn加工基准面控制。4.必须承诺并签署了工商管理学士学位。5.图片是不是最新的地方。“IN PLACE ”是原位。6.客户汽车公司内进行了审查,问题desciption和核查根casuse加以改进。
Expo out a force, and let domestic and foreign guests to our city and leave a good impression.我想我有信心胜任这份工作,希望各位老师能给我一个锻炼的机会,谢谢!I think I am confident that the job done, hope that the teacher can give me a chance to exercise, thank you!