
如何用英语翻译下面的句子:临床诊断腰椎间盘突出患者行腰椎管脊髓造影(Dynemic myelography,DM)动态观察131例,分别测量病变椎间隙在侧卧过伸位,过屈位硬膜囊受压深度,过伸位减过屈位数值,以此判断腰椎后纵韧带弹性大小和椎间盘纤维环的完整性,我们称之为弹性指数.设定为:弹性指数值大于等于0.5cm为弹性好,0.5---0.3cm为弹性较好,小于0.3cm为弹性差.

1 临床诊断clinic diagnosis
2, 腰椎间盘突出lumbar disc herniation(LDH)
4,病变椎间隙pediatric spinal
5, 侧卧过伸位the spend protrude
6 过屈位the spend bend
7,硬膜囊fibrosa sac
8,腰椎后纵韧带lumbar posterior longitudinal ligament
9,椎间盘纤维环spinal discs textile fiber ring
11, 弹性指数 elasticity index

Clinic diagnosis of 131 lumbar disc herniation (LDH) sufferers cases by lumbar spinal dynemic myelography (DM), then measured the pressure depth of fibrosa sac of the pediatric spinal of the spend protrude and the spend bend respectively, judged the elasticity of the lumbar posterior longitudinal ligament and the integrality of the spinal discs textile fiber ring by subtracting the values of the spend protrude to the spend bend. What we called elasticity index was defined as follows: the value of elasticity index was more than or equal to 0.5 cm was considered as good elasticity, and that was between 0.5 cm and 0.3 cm was considered as comparatively good elasticity, less than 0.3 cm was considered as bad elasticity.
第1个回答  2006-05-17
Waist Zhuijianpantuchu clinical diagnosis of the patient's spinal vertebrae 13,000 (Dynemic myelography,DM) dynamics observed 131 cases, the pathological changes are measured in the spine gap Zewo Guo Shen spaces Guo Wat spaces Yingmonang pressure depth Guo Shen spaces reduced value of Wat spaces, After a judge determined the size and flexibility Zhuijianpan Qianweihuan vertical ligament integrity, we call flexibility index. set for : flexibility index value greater than equal to 0.5cm good for flexibility, 0.5---0.3cm for better flexibility, less than 0.3cm for flexibility poor.

1 临床诊断clinic diagnosis 2, 腰椎间盘突出lumbar disc herniation(LDH)3,患者sufferer 4,病变椎间隙pediatric spinal 5, 侧卧过伸位the spend protrude 6 过屈位the spend bend 7,硬膜囊fibrosa sac 8,腰椎后纵韧带lumbar posterior longitudinal ligament 9,椎间盘纤维环spinal discs textile fiber ...

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