The teacher-directed and the child-directed approaches to teaching art represent two extremes of opinion.Too many teacher-directed activities cannot be expected to effectively assist children in learning because of the rigid structure.On the other hand,too many child-directed activities may see a curriculum that is totally unstrustured and out of control.There are valid reasons to believe a teacher-guided approach would be a superior way to guide children's development.This approach combines some form of structure with the child leading the direction.
大家帮我翻译一下这段话:你最近过的好吗?会不会很累?工作之余也要好好照顾自己,不要太拼命,你的一切努力我都知道,我知道自己有可能这一辈子都和你说不上一句话碰不着一次面,可我会一直以我自己的方式去爱你。(翻成英文,谢谢!)How have you bee getting along with yourself lately ?
1. 专业知识扎实,性格沉稳,具有较强的学习能力技术创新能力。1. A solid professional knowledge, character and steady, has a strong ability to learn the ability of technological innovation.2. 活泼开朗、兴趣广泛、乐观向上、适应力强、谦虚谨慎、自律、自信;2. Lively and cheerful, and inter...
一名全职studend可以adjusteasily到ehis类型的情况,因为很多课,学习时间和课外活动,为他们安排。拟合到这些例程你的个人生活风格不会这么认为,作为一个minght挑战了。但是,这可以是一个终身学习的经验,将教有关如何与个人的基础上,每天你和他人的陌生人。Xuéxí shēnghuó zài tóng yīgè fángji...
你好,我尝试着翻译了一下,感觉这句汉语就比较有气势,所以在选词上下了点功夫,并且调换了一下语序,翻译时查阅并参考了有道词典中的相关例句 【译文】Flap your wings and soar in the blue sky,like an unfettered eagle 【参考例句】1.The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.老鹰无需...
inseparability between language and culture education, discussed the key point and some method for strengthening culture education, in order to help students deepen their understanding of English and use English rationally, so as to breed multi-cultural communication ability.纯手工翻译。
After the foundation of the People's Republic of China, the reign title of the Republic of China was abolished and AD was adopted as the reign title instead. Regard the year when Jesus Christ was born as the first year of an era (Gregorian calendar). Thus, the new era had ...
请放心,我会马上帮您解决这个问题。Please be assured that I will immediately help you resolve this problem.顺祝商祺。wish to felicity.期盼您的回复。Looking forward to your reply.我们一定会严格按照您的要求来做好这些球We will strictly in accordance with your request to do this ball.8...
我想我已经快要绝望,不只对生活,也对爱情。没有人值得我爱,也没有人值得爱我。I'm going desperate, for life as well as love. No one deserves my love, and I deserve love from no one.我愿孤寂地走在这通向远方的路,渐行渐远...I will go along this lonely road, till far ...