maintain drug evenness is very important.目前我国农民采用的农药搅拌多数是在充好药液的药池内用木棍随便地搅几下,劳动强度高,搅拌效果差,而且药物挥发严重影响农民的身体健康。有的甚至用喷雾器的喷嘴回流冲击以达到搅拌的效果,水药没有充分搅匀就立即喷雾。殊不知药水搅拌不均不仅不能达到农药的预...
(2)Mix to match the concrete add the water or use the water to cool off crushed stones the since low concrete sprinkle to build the temperature;(3)Reduce to sprinkle to build the thickness when hot day sprinkle to build the concrete, make use of to sprinkle to build the leve...
楼上的那位仁兄,翻译的话在后面加上“一定准确”,会给人以误导的。你的翻译前面两句就已经有很明显的错误了。No matter how good the things are, they will be lost one day...如果你是由于打字匆忙导致的错误,那么请在确定你的答案“一定准确”之前重复检查几遍!再好的东西,也有失去的一天...
气候生产力 climatic productivity 土地生产潜力land Potential Productivity 桑斯维特纪念模型 Seiwert Memory Model (不准确,你再看看)迈阿密模型Miami model 限制因子restriction factor Evaluation on the Potential Productivity of Land Recourse in Huguan, Changzhi Abstract:Evaluation on land potential ...
这像是工作简历:1. 主要是对模具做初始的检讨报告。客户提供一个产品然后对部品的分模线,进胶点的位置,成 型时出现的问题点做出详细的报告提供给客户确认。期间也进行2D组立的绘制。Main responsibility is to make an initial review report on the mold. Based on the product supplied by the ...
事先声明,这篇翻译是机械化翻译的,也就是拿翻译软件,把你原文复制,然后整篇翻译的,至于当中是否有理解或者翻译不恰当的,还请楼主仔细确认!看你急。。。先帮你这样翻译了一份,我没仔细看!你自己研究吧 Now, with the development of network technology, its high aging, high-capacity, mult...
I used to work as a volunteer at the subway station, the care-center for the handicappedand the geracomium. My major work at the subway station was to keep order at rush hours and to remind passengers to walk on the left-hand side and to stand by the right-hand side while...
parental encouragement has always been my motivation to learn. Small, I'm not a very good child, but my parents did not like the other parents to take lessons from me or my other children to compare, they will every time I have a little bit of progress, encouraged me to ,...
在这篇文章中,我将围绕“东北亚格局变化中的中日关系”这一核心内容,来深入研究,这篇论文中除了序言的部分之外一共可分为如下五个部分:In this article,I will make a deep research forced on a nuclear content of the relationship between China and Japan in a changing Northeast Asia ...