The purpose of the project is to provide a comprehensive and cohesive vision for Union Street and a conceptual framework to guide future capital and renovation projects along the street. The goal is to unify buildings and setting into a high quality public space that is simple, understated, timeless and cohesive, integrated into the campus fabric. The conceptual framework must respect the historic pattern of the street and the campus context, and be compatible with the historic character of the buildings lining the street. It requires thinking beyond the local objectives of the project and adopting a holistic approach that considers projectspecific objectives within the context of the campus fabric.
小弟英语水平有限 ,请大虾伸出援手!万分感谢!
可以参考 问天句典 挺好使得 有很多种英文对照例句
这是我写的一篇英语作文,帮我修改一下好吗? 万分感谢!
Therefore, I hope all of the people can be responsible for it so that our would will be more and more beautiful.水平有限,希望能帮到你
Do you have any traveling plan for your Chengddu trip? if you wish,i can show you how an ordinary Chegdu student spend his day here,i suppose that would be very interesting and exciting for you.你定好旅店了吗?如果没有,你想住哪种档次的酒店?当你到来时,我可以带你去.have...
我已看见 是否要告诉你,我只是——风筝栓在细线 闭起眼,我开始旋转、歌唱 倾我所有,博你笑颜 难道如此,依然不能换回你的垂怜?一切承诺,都曾在你唇边 而你不会轻易放弃诺言 纯手工的翻译,水平有限,没法把所有的韵脚都押上了。个人感觉大概意思说出来了。如果能帮到你,请采纳哦~~...
était trompé, mais il a fait des bonnes choses dans sa vie plus tard, Enfin il a re?u le pardon de Dieu et a obtenu le renaissance. Il n'y a rien d'avoir tort, ce qui est important; c'est d'apprendre en réfléchir et corriger ses fautes.由于水平有限 难免错误 ...
Military style, wearing uniforms from the day began. From that day onwards, they put the people's loyalty to the motherland, love and carry on his shoulders, despite the rising wind and rain, despite the rising sun and rain, are taking the responsibility of and mission hanging ...
牵你的手 我都感到害怕 어차피 헤어짐을 아는 나에겐对已经知道会离别的我 우리의 만남이 짧아도 미련은 ...
本人水平有限,试了很多次,做出来的较毛糙。万分感谢! 或者把照片给您发送过去。... 或者把照片给您发送过去。 展开 我来答 1个回答 #热议# 该不该让孩子很早学习人情世故? 一指流沙间 2013-03-15 · TA获得超过182个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:361 采纳率:50% 帮助的人:102万 我...