


Last weekends, we watched a movie called "the King's Speech". The movie told the story that the British king, George VI once had a serous stutter, and eventually finished a fantastic speech under the treatment from a doctor without a liscence.
The most impressive part of the movie is that people should possess or recover their confidence. Some of the human diseases are mental rather than physical. Only when the obstacles are overcome can we reach our potential and make achievements. Confidence becomes specially significant in terms of this aspect.(而自信在做着反面显得尤为重要 这句话不通啊= =我猜你想说的是“自信在这方面”)
Likewise, in our work and study, we won't make progress when we have fears of our work or study at the beginning. Only when we do things with full confidence can we accept things mentally and psychologically and be more proactive, enabling us to give a better rein to our ability.

so辛苦T T
第1个回答  2012-11-30
self -confidence
last weekend, we watched a film called <the speak of the King>.this film narrated an very interesting story about The British king George VI who had being suffering a terrible stutter for a long time. atfter A doctor who has no a license right cured his stutter incrideblely. , THE king gave an exhiralating peach miraculously。
the most impressing thing is that we should gain and recover our self-confidence.some of our diseases are always form the psycholog not the Physiology 。only you fend off the psychological problems that you can made it and succeed. forthermore, the self-confidence play an importent role in our lives.
it is the same in our lives or in our works. if you always dread something about studying an working,you can hardly do any thing well. you can not accept the new subjects psychologically or physically,nor can you arouse your incentive and motivation,unless you can try your best to do everything confidently!
第2个回答  2012-12-01
one day ,后面不会了....