拜 托 大 家 帮 忙 把 下 面 的 论 文 摘 要 译 成 英 文,谢 谢!~~


Along with the development of Internet and e-commerce in the global context of the rapid development of the network bank, emerge as the times require are also popular, marking the people to the information age development, also made a big step forward. It is the network technology and the financial industry the crystallization, to the traditional banks has brought huge impact and hitherto unknown opportunities. The network bank is the banking industry 's new logo, network bank is not only changing the whole banking industry operation pattern, also affected the people on the banks of the idea and behavior. People began to use and manipulate the network bank. Network bank with its low cost and broad prospects and more loved by the people, it changed the traditional banking understanding, for people to provide intelligent financial services.
Network bank originated in the United States, in China, as an emerging financial services are still in the primary stage, even after several years of development, in the technical innovation at the same time, the problem of network security is shown ceaselessly. Compared with developed countries, China's network bank has many problems need to be solved, such as its legal risk and network risks will not be underestimated. These years, China Network Bank obtained the remarkable development and praiseworthy achievements, but in this bustling scene behind the safety prevention and improvement of critical. In order to improve the network bank risk, in order to ensure the overall safety of the network bank, to effectively study the domestic network bank development : Problems and countermeasures.
This article through to the network bank of our country in the development of the status quo and the main characteristics of the analysis, pointed out the existing problems in the course of development, and draw lessons from foreign mature experience, put forward to solve the existing problems of network bank, improve the domestic network bank measures to solve the problem, promote the domestic network bank healthy development measure.




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