
“傲慢”曾是达西的代名词,他拥有着巨额的财富,拥有着英俊的外表,在上流社会里也是受人尊敬,是个“有钱的单身汉”。从他与伊丽莎白第一次见面所说的话““她还算可以,但是没有标致到让我动心。”就足可感受到他的傲慢。有很强的自尊心的伊丽莎白,又对达西所代表的上层社会也怀有极大“偏见”, “ 要是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲”,随着剧情的发展,她对达西的偏见也在逐渐加深。但最后水火不容的两个人却还是完美地走到了一起,收获了既有面包又有爱情的婚姻。

"Pride" was synonymous with Darcy, he has a huge wealth, has a handsome appearance, in the society is respected, is a "rich bachelors". From his first meeting with Elizabeth said "" she is beautiful, but not to let me." Enough to feel his arrogance. Elizabeth has a strong self-esteem, and Darcy represents the upper classes of society also have great "Prejudice", "if he had not broken my pride, I could easily forgive his pride", with the development of the story, her prejudice against Darcy are gradually deepened. But two people finally incompatible but still perfectly together, harvest of both bread and love marriage.
第1个回答  2013-11-10
"Arrogance" was synonymous with darcy, he has a huge wealth, with a handsome appearance, also is respected in society, is a "rich bachelor". From what he said and Elizabeth first met "" she return calculate can, but there is no Peugeot to turning me on. "Is enough to feel his arrogance. Strong self-esteem, Elizabeth and darcy represents the upper society also has great" prejudice ", "if he didn't break my pride, I could easily forgive his pride, along with the development of the plot, her prejudice against darcy has also been gradually deepened. But in the end of two people still perfectly together, harvest the both bread and love.
第2个回答  2013-11-10
"Arrogance" was synonymous with darcy, he has a huge wealth, with a handsome appearance, also is respected in society, is a "rich bachelor". From what he said and Elizabeth first met "" she return calculate can, but there is no Peugeot to turning me on. "Is enough to feel his arrogance. Strong self-esteem, Elizabeth and darcy represents the upper society also has great" prejudice ", "if he didn't break my pride, I could easily forgive his pride, along with the development of the plot, her prejudice against darcy has also been gradually deepened. But in the end of two people still perfectly together, harvest the both bread and love. I have a better answer bold red symbol map click upload x number typesetting picture accessories Anonymously submitted answer to: