To complete a study a team of scientist left boston and went halfway around the world to the middle of kenya. They wanted to find out more about barefoot running.
Sure,people can run barefoot anywhere.But kenya has produced some of the most famous longdistance runners in history,and many of these athletes grew up not wearing shoes.Scientist Daniel Lieberman visited some of these runners to figure out what a difference shoes make.
It was a big difference,and not necessarily for the better.In particular,when a bare foot hits the ground,the blow is softer and the running motion is smoother,Running barefoot may have advantages over to determine whether or not barefoot running reduces the chance of injuries.
"One should not be scared of barefoot running or think it strange,"Lieberman told Science News."It is normal and ,if done properly,it is very fun and comfortable."
Previous studies have shown that when a person runs barefoot ,he lands on the fronts or middles of the feet .Then the heels go down .During process,the weight of the body is at first on the fronts of the feet,then moves to the heels.When a person wears shoes,however,he tends to run so that his heels hit the ground first.The effect of the heel hitting the ground may be much forceful than the effect of the front of the foot hitting the ground.
The researchers also studied barefoot runners in their laboratory.The goal was to measure the force with which a runner is foot hits the ground."A rearfoot strike is like someone hitting you on the foot with a hammer with about one and a half to three times your body weight .It would hurt without a shoe,"Lieberman said ."A forefoot strike is like having no one hit you at all."The study explores the physics of running ,which is a complex topic.
"The idea that barefoot running is better is a massive assumption,"Reed Ferber ,a biochemist at the University of Calgary in Canada said ,"Basically,there are no studies out there that show barefoot running is less injurious."
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