Please refer to the amendment of the contract in the file attached, commented as red.
Please refer to the attached document for the shipping information, in which the revised content were highlighted in red color. The due balance of this order is US$1,500 (US$3,000 - US$1,500), please arrange the money transfer at your earliest conveniences.外贸达人专业写作,完...
...英1句: Frank, Dan已把那封信发给我了.请见附件,是这份吗?---这...
Frank, Dan has sent the letter to me yet. Please see attached. Is it this one?
Please find the attached blue words,I confirmed to renew the part of SUZHOU and provide you merge.
我们现正着手准备为我们实施新的采集与rockwood 。你能不能帮我们联系当前有利提供商和加入新雇员以我们的计划,在苏州,生效日期?你能不能让我知道什么资料,他们将需要(如普查数据,如果他们能具体化,那将非常有帮助) 。是有一个信息包,我们发给新员工呢?如果是的话,你能不能送我的那些证件...
Foreign suppliers for the record 2. The label for the record or manufacturer qualification Open to booking a packing list need to submit documents 1. The product food labeling word inspection application form (each product a, fill out the signature and seal of the signature and seal...
2.The fitment of housing and other facilities can attachments for more details. Unless both sides have another assumpsit, this attachment agrees to be made available for Party B and expired and returned the confirmation evidence of this house in the contract of going straight leasing ...
我这里选择用wire transfer是因为你原文中写的是“汇款已收到”。如果你想更清楚地写清楚是钱已经收到,可以把开头开成:A portion of your total money oweing to us has been received. (您还欠我方的所有款项中,有一部分已经收到。)希望我的解答对你有帮助,祝你一切顺利 :-)...
6.合同价款(人民币大写)元 二、甲方责任 1、工程开工前向乙方确认该工程的装修设计及施工说明,并在图纸及报价单上签字认可;清除影响施工的障碍物,对只能部分腾空的房屋中所滞留的家具陈设等采取保护措施;向乙方提供施工所需的水、电,并说明使用注意事项;办理施工所涉及的各种批件手续并交纳物业公司费用及装修押金。