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德育教育的是整体教育的一个分支,既是教育者对受教育者道德品质和政治思想的塑造过程,同时也是受教育者道德素质和健全人格的养成过程。moral education is an embranchment of the integral education, it is the figuring process of moral and political education from pedagogues to educatees, and also the process of nurturing the morality and healthy personality for educatees.

德育兴,则教育盛。moral education encourages the prosperity of education.

德育教育是教育方向性的重要保证,因而也是学生教育管理工作的重中之重。And moral education is the important pledge to enable the right orientation of education as a whole, thus it is also the core of the management of students' education.

如何实施德育,是德育在实践中的一个基本论题,同时也是教育工作者最应该注意的方面,The basic arguement of the moral education in practice, is how to implement it, at one time, it is the concern of teaching staff that they should take the most steps. (注: take step =注意,这里比pay attention更强调制度上的注意.pay attention是指比如有车阿,小心安全这方面的注意.)

This paper examines the importance of moral education in the education system and the relationship between the two from the point of view that we discussed above.


第1个回答  2008-05-21
Moral education is a branch of the overall education. It not only shapes the educatee's moral quality and political thoughts, but also develops his/her moral integrity and sound personality. Moral education thrives, then education prospers. Moral education is an important part to ensure the right direction of education, therefore it must be underscored in student edcuation and management. How to implement moral education is a fundamental topic in the practice of moral education, and is what an educator must be most concerned. This paper will give an overview from this perception of the role moral education plays in education and their relationship.

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