莫泊桑 (羊脂球)内容 求 英语原文

“生活不可能像你想象得那么好,但也不会像你想象得那么糟。我觉得人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。有时,我可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面,有时,也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。”。。。。。求 这段的原文哈

Life can not like you imagine so good, but not as bad as you imagine. I think people are vulnerable and strong beyond your imagination. Sometimes, I may be fragile thing tears, sometimes, also found their teeth to walk a long way



《羊脂球》是法国作家莫泊桑创作的短篇小说。《羊脂球》是他的成名作,也是他的`代表作之一。《羊脂球》以1870—1871年普法战争为背景。通过代表当时法国社会各阶层的10个人同乘一辆马车逃往一个港口的故事,形象地反映出资产阶级在这场战争中所表现出的卑鄙自私和出卖人民的丑恶嘴脸。Some detachments...

莫泊桑 生活不可能像你想象得那么好,但也不会像你想象得那么糟。求...
法文原文:La vie ne peut pas être aussi bonne que vous le pensez, mais elle ne peut pas être aussi mauvaise que vous le pensez.英文翻译:Life can't be as good as you think, but it won't be as bad as you think.该句出自法国作家莫泊桑创作的中篇小说《羊脂球》。内容简介:...

莫泊桑 (羊脂球)内容 求 英语原文
Life can not like you imagine so good, but not as bad as you imagine. I think people are vulnerable and strong beyond your imagination. Sometimes, I may be fragile thing tears, sometimes, also found their teeth to walk a long way 这个文档供参考 ...

这个词见于莫泊桑(Guy de Maupassant)的小说“羊脂球”.但是他本义其实是一种食物。这三字法语原文是boule de suif(翻译成英语就是tallow ball).boule在英语是ball,“球”的意思.suif是动物脂肪(包括牛的羊的)的意思,英语是tallow,并没有特指羊脂肪.女主人公得到这个诨名,因为她又矮又胖,像头猪,...

莫泊桑的《项链》或《羊脂球》的英文简介+评论,初中水平 生词不要太多...
she used her husband saved by 400 francs did a dress, but also borrowed a bunch from friends beautiful necklace. Minister of home in the evening, Madierte to her superior grace stole the show, her vanity thus been fully met, just carried away with excitement, and can even put...

"Suet ball" is a famous writer Guy de Maupassant's debut, but also masterpieces, but also I like a novel. Whether in front of suet balls (in the novel, she is a prostitute) food was emptied, or talk behind enemy officers pushed her to sleep in exchange for the nobility ...

羊脂球的中译名不太理想,令人不知所云.法文原文为"Boule de Suif",如果逐字英译,就是“A Ball of Fat”,早在三四十年代的英译本,也曾用"Ball-of-Fat",或批评家意译为"肉圆馄钝",羊脂球是小说中女主人公的名字

在莫泊桑的名作《羊脂球》中,"羊脂球"这个角色的名字并非直接指代羊的脂肪,而是有更深层次的象征意义。原法语名称[boule de suif]在英语中被译为"Tallow ball",这里的"suif"实际上指的是动物脂肪,包括牛羊之脂,但在英文中并未特指羊脂。主人公之所以获得这个绰号,是因为她矮胖的体态,形似一头...

2010-09-11 求莫泊桑《羊脂球》内容简介。 285 2008-04-16 莫泊桑的《羊脂球》的文章 153 2012-04-19 求莫泊桑《羊脂球》全文 15 2007-04-11 莫泊桑小说集《羊脂球》所有文章 8 2013-09-09 莫泊桑 (羊脂球)内容 求 英语原文 10 2009-05-13 莫泊桑的《羊脂球》精彩选段 81 更多...

For the o months of summer vacation, I want a full, so I had the pleasure of reading the famous French novelist Maupassant's "Boule de Suif". In addition to the book "Boule de Suif", there are other three stories, and I personally enjoy "Boule de Suif" this one.The ...
