我们接受来料加工、OEM、DEM 等多种合作方式,希望能够为您提供您所需要的帮助,携手共谋永久发展!
合作方式 我司始终贯彻以多元化的服务模式,完善的服务体系,为您和您的公司提供全方位的服务。 1、来料加工:部分品牌习惯自己采购原材料,只需要我司提供样品的开发和后期的生产。 2、产品的开发、原材料的采购、大货的生产。很多品牌为保证产品整体风格的完整统一,会提供给我司图纸,或参考样衣,我司进行产品的开发,大货的生产。 3、全盘的设计、开发、生产。部分品牌为丰富产品的种类,会选择由我司按照其品牌风格,进行款式的设计,样衣的开发和大货的生产。 为了很好的保证各品牌的利益,在开发前我司会和每个品牌签订开发协议,保证客户的资料、款式不会由我司泄漏给其他品牌或公司。 为了品牌公司能很好的了解和掌握产品的质量和大货的生产进程,我司会在大货生产前,将大货产前版提供给客户进行大货质量封样,生产的过程中我司会以书面的形式将产品的进程随时反馈给客户。 “您所需要的,就是我司所努力的!”
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2:Passion is the full wroking condition and the positive working attitude.3:To continue improving is the base of creation and innovation and the route of success for organization and individual.4:There is no perfect individual, it only has the perfect organization.手工翻译,希望对你有...
There is a place on our earth where hot water and steam come up under the ground 这儿是地球上从地下喷出温泉来的地方 It is on a large island in the Pacific Ocean 它位于太平洋的一个大岛屿上。The earth on which we live is a ball of very hot rock. It is a good thing for...
you are the hero you are the one you were destined to lose her but its not the end 你是故事的主角 你是最后的唯一 曲终人散或许是宿命 却决不是宿命的终点。keep hoping and fight for your heart Memory will show you the direction 期待一切美好的结局 为了心中激情而奋斗 回忆会为你...
4. We are professional international children's clothes and infant supplies OEM factories. We accept your advice or any form of cooperation.5. You pay 5-7 days after you receive will be able to purchase the product.6. If you have any questions or suggestions, we welcome any ti...
直译:In textbooks you will find girls with complexions like jade and houses made of gold.意译:Through studying you will gain success and fortunes will follow.Reading bring us everything 参考资料:http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/16215418.html?si=1 ...
the Tangshan municipal transportation facility construction speed could not follow the volume of traffic far the fast growth, but in the path plan design, the construction process lacked the reasonable traffic engineering design, caused the path construction work non-science plan, the develo...
英文翻译高手请进 急!
Business English, this is not my choose to the occupation in future of the important consideration be not the important consideration of my life target either, but I believe to learn with to use.大专对于我来说,一向都是60分万岁 多一分浪费 。University says for me, always is all...
We can learn a lots of useful information from television which are quite helpful to us. When we feel upset and unhappy, the variety shows can meet our requirements by easing our minds and comforting our bodies. However, we can't be too much indulging in watching TV.2.Email...
为了便于你的理解和学习,分段翻译如下,英语要活学活用,翻译也是仁者见仁智者见智,以下内容仅供参考!人生中最艰难的事,在高考前的几个月里。在中国,高考非常重要,决定着你今后能够走多远。It is the most difficult thing in life that in the months before the college entrance examination. ...
译文(修改版) :I felt a little surprised when I kown that you were extremely curious about the way that I found you. Well, is that really so important?At the top of the page, there is a user option. As long as you get it,you can search for other users that share ...