Ruth Simmons was born in a very poor family. Today, she’s the president of a famous American university. How did she do it?
The story begins on a farm in Grapeland, Texas, in 1945. Ruth was born that year. Her parents were farmworkers, and she was the youngest of their twelve children. They weren’t able to give the children many things, and Ruth never had any toys. For Christmas, she didn’t receive any presents at all except a shoebox with an apple, an orange, and some nuts. However, in Grapeland, Ruth wasn’t really aware of being poor. Then the family moved into the city, Huston. In the city, being poor was much harder. And at that time, life was dangerous for African Americans, especially in the South.
At the age of five, Ruth fell in love with school. She was a clever child, and she was lucky to have some excellent teacher. No one in Ruth’s family had much education, but her teachers encouraged her to go to college, and Ruth was brave enough to try. They also gave her money and even a coat to wear.
At first, Ruth studied theater. Then she studied language. Later she married, had two children, and began to work as a college teacher and administrator. Soon people began to notice her and respect her abilities.
In 1995, Ruth became president of Smith College, a famous American college for women. Ruth was the first African American to lead a college like this one. Six years later, she accepted another challenge. She became the president of Brown University.
Ruth believes in the power of education. “Learning can be the same for a poor farm kid like me as it is for the richest child in the country. It’s all about cultivating one’s mind, and anybody can do that. So it doesn’t matter what color your skin is, it doesn’t matter how much money your father has, it doesn’t matter what kind of house you live in. Every learner can experience the same thing.”
谁能帮我翻译一下啊?急用,谢了。 私はあなたを爱し、あなたを爱して爱...
我爱你、爱你,爱你,永远爱你,你知道吗?罗马音:Shitekina ai,-ai,-ai, ai. Nani o shitte imasu ka? Puraibēto 语法:1、谁か、何か、または何かが好きな人を指します。指某人特别喜爱某人、某物或做某件事情。2、また、谁かまたは何かを崇拝するために、または亲切に何かを扱...
谁能帮我翻译 一下 文言文 谢谢!
参考译文:一、成就伟业之后,又会得到好的名声。尧、舜、商汤和周文王,都以自己的聪明作为而受到赞美,所以,圣人只凭美德,不必操劳,就能指挥别人去做,自己却安然自在。二、 上天之功业完成之后,便能同受应得之名与恰当之荣誉。因此,帝尧凭借能够明晓俊杰之德而著称,帝舜凭借升用十六贤材而建功...
译文:岭南少数民族中有一个传说,秦汉以前有位部族首领姓吴,当地人都称他“吴洞”。他娶了两个妻子,一个妻子死了,留下个女孩,名字叫叶限。叶限从小聪明善良,擅长淘金,父亲非常爱她。这一年末,父亲死了,后妈虐待她,经常让她去高山上打柴,到深潭边汲水。 有一次,叶限得到了一条小鱼,两寸...
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布朗 这是我的全家福照片 这个女孩子是我的姐妹 她的名字是珍妮 布朗,她的夹克是红色的,她是个漂亮的女孩。这个男孩子是我的兄弟,他的名字是弗兰克 布朗 他的夹克是黄色的。他是个学生 这是我的父母亲,我站在他们中间 我的妈妈是个英语老师,我的爸爸是个医生,我有一个幸福的大家庭。
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