see, that day,i's waitin' for him out the door with a rose holded in my mouth 那他怎么说?then wot did he say?天啊,宝贝儿你把花瓶给吃了?oh my,babe,u've eaten the vase?
1、Boy: Is this seat empty? Girl: Yes and this one will be if you sit down. 男孩:这个座位是空的么? 女孩:是的,如果你坐下,我的座位也将是空的。 ...
急求英语1分钟故事 最好是笑话 不超过30个字
英语笑话:F.U.C.K.Joke:F.U.C.K.In ancient England people could not have sex unless they had consent of the king (unless they were in the Royal Family ). When people wanted to have a baby, they had to get the consent of the king, and the king gave them a placard th...
1.What is smaller than an insect's mouth?2.What season is the most dangerous one?3.What's too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at all for three?4.On what day of a year do soldiers start wars in history?5.How many feet are in a yard?6.What person tries ...
down onto the ground.By this time,An elder mouse said"wang~~~"loudly to the cat.Because of this,the cat was so scared that he ran away.Finally,the elder mouse said to the younger mouse"Little child,it's so important to learn a foreign language."没有功劳也有苦劳呀~~...
因误解短语look out的意思而闹笑话 最好有图片 在线等,急啊,谢谢
1、楼上有人往下倒水,楼下人喊look out。他是要让别人当心,知道这个意思的同志们当然就理解了,可好多人只知道是向外看的意思,于是,洗了个澡!2、Look out,我想起这么个短语,同时想起关于它的一则笑话:过隧道的时候,列车员大声喊“Look out”,要乘客注意,提醒人们不要把头伸出去,而有一...
初中时候几个毛孩子闹着互相往头上洒土,头发里的含土量你懂的 接下来上英语课,一哥们没交作业,被老师叫去体罚,英语书照着头上就是一下 接下来讲台上狼烟四起,英语老师从此不敢打那哥们了.
一进考场,看到不认识的老师,长得还可以,看起来很好的,心里稍稍放松 刚一坐下老师就对我说:“Good morning”其实在她说之前我就想说“老师好”了,于是我下意识的说了:“老师好”,她一脸惊愕的看着我,重复道:“Good morning”,俗话说“言多必失”,本着能不说决不多说一句的原则,我冲...
需要一个 5人英语对话稿子口语考试大概2分钟的。最好简单。在线等...
Mark: Here they are. Wat's up, man?马克:就在那里,你们好啊?John: Wat's up, Mark?约翰:你好,马克 Matthew: Yea, wat's up?马太:你好 Paul: Well, but I got a question now. Where the hell is Luke?保罗:不过,我现在有个问题了,路加死哪去了?(名字笑话)Matthew, Peter...