Just a quick napDo you feel a little sleepy after lunch?Well,that's normal.Your body naturally slows down then.What should you do about it?Don't reach for a coffee!Instead take a nap. There are many benefits of a daily nap.First of all,you are more efficient after napping.You remember things a nap.A 20-minute nap can reduce information overload(负担过多),It can also reduce stress.Finally,a nap may increase your self-confidence and make you more alert.It may even cheer you up. But,there are some simple rules you should follow about taking a nap.First,take a nap in the middle of a day,about eight hours after you wake up.Otherwise,you may disturb your sleep-wake pattern.Next,a 20-30minute nap is best.If you sleep longer,you may fall into a deep sleep.After waking from a deep sleep,you will feel worse.Also,you should set an alarm clock.That way,you can fully relax during your nap.You won't have to keep looking at the clock so you don't oversleep. Now,the next time you feel sleepy after lunch,don't get stressed.Put your head down,close your eyes,and take a short nap.如果用类似金山快译等翻译软件或有道翻译等翻译网站直接翻译的就不用发过来了!!!
We often face difficult times.我们经常要面对困难的时刻。It's a part of life.And in these difficult times,just stopping is not enough,and we need to ask for help.它是生活的一部分,而且在这些困难的时刻,仅仅静观其变是不够的,而且我们需要请求帮助。When I have a problem,I never...
My bedroom我的卧室 This is my bedroom (卧室).这是我的卧室(卧室) 。 It's clean and beautiful.它的清洁和美丽。 It is small, but I like it very much.这是小,但我非常喜欢。 I can read books and do my homework there.我可以看书,也有我的家庭作业。 And I can play computer...
exchange rate is possibly the least understood aspectof traveling abroad.Travel agents and bureaux de change display the numbers on their LED panels , but the gap between the buying and selling rates looks to all like a black hole,and then to add insult to unintelligibility,they cha...
帮我翻译这篇英语文章 谢谢
You will NEVER 你永远都不会 You will never know the pain you have caused me 你永远都不知道你带给我的痛 You will neva know the burden of my memories 你永远都不知道我记忆力沉甸甸的负担 Nor the burden of my experience 亦或我痛苦的经历 Or the burden of my confusion 还有我的彷...
全文翻译是: 有时,当它仍然离开足够的室为其他活动时,怎么居于麻烦对所有那些大对象按顺序。面对这个问题,我感觉象事一个新的结构应该由所有欢迎,如果发明。 这可以容易地被扩大或折叠。我们不需要对象,我们可以使它一样稀薄象有些纸或其他。 当需要时,它更将是好的为了我们能使用。 我认为...
错误和正确的,他们为himself.we做的这一切为他。我们作为,如果我们以为他绝不会通知一错误 除非有人指出,他说,或正确的,除非他是to.let他的工作,与帮助其他儿童的,如果 他想,这两个字是什么说什么,答案是该prebiem ;是否这是一个很好的方式,或说这样做或没有。如果这是一个问题的正确...
If you do,there is a piece of good news for you.如果你喜欢,这里有一条好消息给你。Music lessons can help you have a better memory.音乐课能帮助你改善记忆。The canadian scientists say so.加拿大科学家这么说。Aften(应该是After吧) one year of musical training,children do better in...
Dear Jimmil 亲爱的Jimmil What honor do you have to say you still love me? 你有什么荣耀说你还爱我?You can tell me? 你能告诉我吗?I have said that Leaves must forever departure 我已经说过了,叶子必须永远的离开 I have not changed 我没有改变 Xiaoyu have not changed 小雨也没...
on the day you left me behind, i started trying to recover to cure to forget. oh shit i thought i did so fuckin well. and then with fluke and reluctation i left, like a stupid loser.你离开我时,我曾试着忘掉你,可是...老天!我以为这一切可以奏效,我强迫自己也离开,可我真...