1:In terms of their careers, the impact of physical attractiveness on males is only modest.
2:You have not really failed and spoiled your chances for success until you have been unsuccessful at something you really like, and to which you have given your best effort.
3:You do not have to set your goal to reach the moon in order to have success in traveling. Sometimes one can be very successful merely by taking a walk in the park, or riding the subway downtown.
3. 想走上成功之路,你不必设立要上月球的目标。有时候一个人在公园散步,或者在乘坐地铁去市中心的时候就能够到达成功。
工作细心,有耐性: 能独当一面, 因为很多时候要为你的上司排忧解难,和处理一些突发事件.条理性强-许多时候要为你的上司安排日程表,I think the same as important at three points: high salary ensures high life, good working condition brings pleasure, smooth work satisfies people's mind.T...
准确的手工翻译 1.It is a valuable work. I do not think anyone writes so well that he cannot learn much from it.它是一种有价值的工作。我不认为有人都写得如此好,以至于他不能从中学到东西。2.He had not the good breeding to see that simplicity and naturalness are the truest m...
I flashed a smile in front of the computer, but in reality, tears nearly escaped my eyes. To tell the truth, I used to fervently wish that the happy person you described was you. Yet to this day, I'm destined to be only your friend, brother, and confidant. If this must...
1. 同大多数人一样,我从小所受的教育使我认为生命是一个不断索取的过程。直到三十年前我才有了一个重大发现:给予会让生活变得更精彩。2. 飞机是运输食物的最快捷方式。当通过其他途径给人和动物运送食物难以实现时,飞机的作用就表现得尤其明显。3. 他站起来,穿过房间,迅速而猛烈地将门大打开来...
days ago.She said she had a month to have fun.Do you have time to visit China and see me along?haha!At the time she can be your free guide!Now it is ver hot in China.I have a bad piece of news to tell you.That is my English has not been greatly improved....
1, 许多人对此书作出贡献,一些是直接的-例如作者、编辑等—而另一些是通过他们的鼓励和支持的间接贡献。成为本书的编辑是令人振奋的。要在12个月内完成作品成为一个奇迹。和这样的同事一起工作成为一种特权。我们衷心谢谢你们的参与。2,现在旅游业是欧共体的唯一最大的经济活动的说法得到认可,而且...