英语高手进来翻译下... 高分悬赏!

3.她昨天早上起得早,没有赶上火车。(sleep in)
4.我很快就适应了大学生活。(adjust to)
5.他们已查清了这个人是谁。(find out)
6船应该在什么时候开?(be supposed to)

1.On the second week when I went to university, I got out to find a bookstore where I was able to buy a few dictionaries.
2. All of the people who attended the meeting were my classmates.
3. She slept in so late that she missed the train.
4. I was able to adjust to my college life shortly.
5. They have found out who this man is .
6. what time is the ship supposed to start?
Good luck!
第1个回答  2011-12-28
In my second week of college, I have to go out and find a bookstore, where to buy a few English dictionary
What the meeting is my classmate
She got up early yesterday morning, didn't catch the train
I soon got used to the college life
They have found out who the person is.
The ship at what time should open
第2个回答  2011-12-28
1/In my second week of college, I have to go out and find a bookstore, where to buy a few English dictionary
2/all the people who attend the meeting are my classmates!
4、I soon adjust myself to college life.
5/They have found out the person who is to be.
6/When is the boat supposed to leave?
第3个回答  2011-12-28
1、Where I entered university second weeks, I have to go to a bookstore, where to buy the dictionary of the English language

2、Who are sleep in of the people is my classmate.

3、she sleep in of the people is my classmate she sleep in of the people is my classmate.

4、I soon got used to the university life.

5、They have find out who the man is.

6、The be supposed to ship should open?

she sleep in of the people is my classmate
第4个回答  2011-12-28
1 when I entered university second weeks, I have to go to a bookstore, where to buy the dictionary. ( where )Which 2 people attending the meeting are all my classmates. ( who )In 3 she yesterday morning early, didn't catch the train. ( sleep in )4 I soon got used to the University life. ( adjust to )5 they have found out who the man is. ( find out )6 ship when should open? ( be supposed to )