

1, I now is the state of separation, can mount guard.
2, reason for leaving the company is that I had been doing clerical work, but now I want to challenge myself, so come to interview sales for this position. This post is dealing with people, can let me learn a lot of things.
3, she is my co-worker, I left the unit when she also went to other department. We don't quite understand.
第1个回答  2012-03-11
1, i am currently unemployed and can start immediately.
2, my last job wasn't a challenge to me, that's why i quit. Because of the same reason I come here interviewing for sales. i believe that i will learn many new things as a sales person deals a lot of different people.
3, she was my colleague. she was assigned to other department when i quit last job. we don't know each other very much.

hope this helps.
第2个回答  2012-03-11
楼主你好:1, I now is left the state, may at any time to work.
2, the reason for leaving the company is before I have been doing civilian job, but now want to challenge yourself, since the interview for the sales this position. This position is dealing with people, let me learn a lot.
3, she is I have colleagues, I left the unit of time she also went to the other department. We don't quite understand.
第3个回答  2012-03-11
1, I am now is the state of separation, can mount guard
2,reason for leaving the company is that I have to do clerical work, but now I want to challenge myself, so sales for this position. This position is dealing with people, can let me learn a lot of things.
3,She is my co-worker, I left the unit when she also went to other department. We don't quite understand.

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3, she is my co-worker, I left the unit when she also went to other department. We don't quite understand.

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