1.In order to bring down the Qin dynasty after the death of Emperor 秦始皇.2/ There was a great final battle between them. 就是里面得great我不确定是什麽意思。 同样,翻一下 -。-3.The word for tea in different languages came from the Chinese characters. 'cha'4/ The Russians call it "cha'i".which sounds like 'chaye' as it is pronounced in northern Chian.The Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese.though it is pronounced a little differently.5. which includes tea planting,tea-leaf picking,tea making,tea drinking .6/ tea is also a popular topic which is often mentioned in dances , poems and novels. 关心。。 要么要么。 准备功课。 刷墨。 被用於干某事。 刻字、两个都、、 全部翻译。谢谢了。 上面得汉字是翻译成词组。我作业,各位高手帮帮忙。请速回!
Great:雄伟、大 这里面指战争很雄伟、激烈 翻译:1.为了在秦始皇去世之后打倒秦朝。2.引发起了雄伟而激烈的最终战争。3.茶这个字在多个语言里都从中国字里来的。4.俄罗斯人叫它"Cha'I",听起来很像中国北部人发音的“茶叶”。日本的“茶”跟中国的一样,虽然发音有些不同。5.包括种茶,采茶...
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• you ordinarily reside with your accompanying Canadian-citizen or permanent-resident spouse, common-law partner or parent.·你正常地与随同你的加拿大籍的或加拿大永久居民的配偶、未婚同居人或父母居住在一起。A child is someone under the age of 22 who has never been married or in...
英文翻译高手请进 急!
My profession:商务英语,这并不是我的对将来职业选择的重要考虑,也不是我人生目标的重要考虑,但我相信学以至用。Business English, this is not my choose to the occupation in future of the important consideration be not the important consideration of my life target either, but I believe ...
中文翻英文 请高手进来帮帮我 非常紧急 紧急!!!可再加分 禁止翻译软件...
可再加分 禁止翻译软件 用中文又写了篇文章(其实之前有发问过翻译过)可是那只是大网而已这次是完整版的文章希望有会英语的可以尽量帮我翻成简单二要的句子不必要太艰深我的英文节录英文句子的地方不必翻感谢... 用中文又写了篇文章 (其实之前有发问过 翻译过) 可是那只是大网而已 这次是完整版的文章希望有...
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楼主,还是我!译文:权利和授权 作为一个永久的居民,你有权进入加拿大。在《加拿大权利和自由宪章》范围内,你也有加拿大公民的大部分权利。然而,在你被授予成为加拿大的公民前,你不能参与竞选政府官员和投票。获得更多关于永久居住卡的信息。在加拿大居住三年后你可以申请成为加拿大公民。了解更多关于如何...
我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 将古文翻译成白话文!(急!急!急!) 弈秋是全国最会下棋的人。让弈秋教两个人下棋,其中一个人专心致志,只听弈秋的教诲;另一个人虽然也听着,却一心在以为天鹅将要飞过,要怎样拿弓箭去射杀它。虽然两个人在一起学习,可是他的成绩却没有第一个人好。是他的智力不如他...
No matter what hardships we come across, we must try to get over them.2.尊老爱优是中华民族的传统美德(respect\\virtue).(应该是爱幼吧?)Showing respect to the old and love to the young is the traditional virtue of Chinese.3.今天,各行各业的人都在努力提高自己的知识水平以跟上...
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请告诉我们你们公司销售的是高档皮还是低档皮,以方便我们联系相应的厂家。翻译后是Please let us know your company is selling high-end skin or low-grade paper to facilitate contact us corresponding manufacturers.
Ocean Park,there were so many people there that we had to be in queue for a long time! That's really disappointing!It's late,I have to go to bed,I will tell you about funny things in the entertament ground next time.呵呵 好辛苦 高人指正···参考资料:人工翻译 ...