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Makketing Function
To make money, companies manufacture and sell products that compete in the marketplace.To increase their sales or profit, companies develop marketing strategy is determined by the particular way companies combine and use various marketing element.This marketing mix includes a variety of options known as the four Ps and generally categorized under the headings of product,price,place and promotion.
Advertising falls in the promotion category and its part of the promotional mix along with personnel selling,sales promotion,and public relations-all of which are used or win acceptance of the company's products,services,or ideas.
Advertising involves presenting the message,usually through the mass media, to a large group of people known as the target audience.Through advertising,the cost of reaching a thousand people in your target audience is usually far less than the cost reaching one prospect through personal selling.
For example,to make a personal sales call on every football fan who watched the Super Bowl games in order to sell each a bottle of Coke would be unbelievably expensive. The McGraw-Hill Laboratory reports that the average face-to-face sales call now costs a company well over $170. If we multiply that by the 100 million people who watch the Supper Bowl, the cost is mind-boggling. However, you could buy a 30-second televion commercial during the Super Bowl and tell those sanme 100 million people about Coca-Cola for only $525,000. That’s lot less. In fact, through advertising, you would be able to talk to a thousand of those prospects for only $5.25—about 3 percent of what it costs to talk to one prospect through personal selling.
最后一段第五行是30-second television
最后一段第六行是same 100 million
有点儿多 请帮帮忙~~~~~


嘿嘿 是有点儿长了...




4.当我第一次游西湖时,我对它的美大为惊叹。(the first time,marvel to)5.他们登录广告招聘有经验的教师。(advertise)6.如果你方便的话,请帮我寄封信。(convenient)手动翻译,绝对不是翻译器 1. To meet the needs of customers products is always welcomed.2. They use that big Banks...

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1.疾病常常是由于饮食过量而引起的。Disease is usually caused by overeating.2.我们都做些让步吧。我给你打九五折。Let's make some concession. I will give you 5% off discount.3.很抱歉,我不能同意你再降价5%的要求。I'm sorry that I can't agree to your 5% off discount request ....

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pasting spring couplets,setting off firecrackers, and being together with families.However,the holiday nowadays affects our reunion in Lantern Festival,which is another troditional festival. It's beneficial to learn more about our cultures,so I think we need to extend winter vacation ...

of fire, please do not panic; our advanced emergency fire prevention facility can ensure your safe evacuation.Please follow the indicated line to the safe passageway, our service personnel will lead you to a safe place.The red dot indicates your present position.【英语牛人团】...

3. Do not sign up for a program that you are already a member of even if you do see it listed here. This is cheating and will result in deletion of your account.如果你已经是这个程序的会员,甚至在这看到过这个列表。请不要重复的签订(认同),这是欺骗,会导致将你的账户删除 4...

英语高手进 在线翻译 中文翻译英文 翻译器的绕行
.. And I think this is also the reason that caused your wives left you. 我曾经试图想过要报警I have thought about trying to make a police report, 可我真的不知道你会不会对我做出过激的行为 But I really do not know whether you’ll do something aggressive to hurt me. 所以...

急求 英语高手 要手翻译 不要翻译工具翻译 谢谢
1) purified water (add a stainless steel container)2) A food preservative (stir slowly reconciling)3) by adding FDA approval of the sweet syrup 4) carbonated 5) valuable nutrition (quickly reconcile)6) filling (with special attention to health)7) Gland (in the 0.4-0.5 MPA, ...

恳请英语高手帮我 将下面的中文翻译成英文,谢谢。在线等 只要准确就...
2.Staff wear protective equipment 3.Employees go through security training,examination of qualified mount guard.2.Burns staff wear labour protection.1.Staff wear protective equipment.2.Employees go through security training,examination of qualified mount guard.3.Standardized operations,effectively...
