
"在这里立下几个奋斗目标:1 在形象上有所改变
2 多学习别人的长处 3 学会对凡事宽容 4 平常心 5 比去年有所进步"

第1个回答  2008-02-21
These are my new resolutions:
1 在形象上有所改变
Improve my (public)image.
2 多学习别人的长处
Learn from others.
3 学会对凡事宽容
Learn to compromise the difference.
4 平常心
Try to be easy going.

5 比去年有所进步"
Try to make greater progress than last year.
第2个回答  2008-02-21
Now I Signed several targets to struggle here:
1 .Have a change on the appearance;
2. learn more strenths of others;
3 .learn to be tolerant to the all things;
4.Own a common heart;
5 .make a progress over the last year;
第3个回答  2008-02-21
I'll set some targets here:
1.Make some change about the appearance.
2.Learn advantages on others more.
3.Learn to take easy with everything.
4.Normal attitude.
5.Make progress to be better than last year

第4个回答  2008-02-21
I'll set some targets here:
1.Have a change on the image.
2.Learn the best in others.
3.Learn to take easy with everything.
4.An ordinary mind.
5.Make progress on the basis of last year.
第5个回答  2008-02-21
I hereby set several pursuits:

1. Change my appearance.

2. Learn more the merits of others.

3. Learn to tolerate matters

4. Make progress on the basis of last year

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1、Weak and lame in one leg, Max never had favourable prospects of getting that job.【译文】1,弱、跛足的在一只腿中,最大不曾有了找到那一个工作的有用视野。【原文】2、To our surprise,her unintentional remark about the mission should have caused a political storm.【译文】2,令我...

1.对贫困的担心使他忧虑重重。His mind was stuffed with worries on poverty.2.汤姆的聪明丝毫不亚于班上的第一名学生。Tom's wisdom is no second to the class top student.3.我认识他,但我们说不上是朋友。I know him just as an acquaintance, not as a friend.4.彼得的特点正是如此。

1.在我的世界,你很重要.In my world, you are very important.2.别让我太难过 Don't make me too sad.3.记得别想他 Don't think of him.4.故事没有然后 In the story, there's no "thereafter."5.我们的未来会不会很渺茫,以致没有一点点的的希望 Will our future be too unclear,...

中国现有五家主要电信运营商:分别为中国移动,中国联通,中国电信,中国网通,中国铁通。包括了两家移动通信运营商和三家固定通信运营商。但是在用户数、盈利能力方面,中国移动较遥遥领先领于其他四家企业。 如果完全依靠市场竞争,中国移动凭借现有实力可以完全击垮任何一家电信运营商,从而回到一家独霸的...

1.爱情与时间长短无关,美好的感情需要理解与聆听,少一点自私!Love has nothing to do with how long it lasts. To mantain a good relationship, one needs more understanding and listening, but less selfishness.2.索菲的未婚夫是一个自私的男人,他从来不会聆听索菲的心事,只知道关心自己。

【最高分】寻求人工专业翻译【中—> 英】!【寻找到满意回答为止】_百 ...
Tell yourself once a day,”I am really terrific. ”02. 生气是拿别人做错的事来惩`罚自己。Being angry is a punishment to yourself when somebody else is to blame.03. 生活中若没有朋友,就像生活中没有阳光一样。A life without friends is a life without sunshine.04. 明天的希望,让...

1. 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。1. Mrs complains about Smith to me saying , the daughter that she often discovers with self sixteen-year-old has no way to communicate with simply.2. 我坚信,阅读简写的(simplified)英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种...

顽强 毅力 忍耐 坚定---brawniness perseverance endurance stability 我们的行为准则是 our principle is 自信自强 ---Self - confidence and self - reliance 无私无谓 ---Selflessness and immateriality 敢想敢为 ---Dare to thinking and acting 尽善尽美 ---Expectation of perfection 我们的精神...

