

1.主(n./pron./to do sth/doing sth/主语从句)——谓(vi.如:come, go, arrive, stay, work, fall, rise, die, happen, fail, appear,lie,sit,stand,last)
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Your brother has gone home.
We work hard at English.
2.主-------谓(vt.如:visit, spend, forget, raise,have,seat,astonish,satisfy,embarass)-----宾(n./ pron./to do sth/doing sth/宾语从句)
I study chemistry and he studies physics.
I have never seen such an interesting film.
He doesn't know what to read.
(1).Give sb sth=Give sth to sb: send, pass, hand, show
(2).Buy sb sth=Buy sth for sb: make, get, cook, call, find
(3).Ask sb sth=Ask sth of sb
Will you lend me your bike?
Peter bought Mary a new dress.
Please get him some hot water.
Will you tell us sth about your school life?
This little boy is always asking the teacher all sorts of questions.
Pass me the paper, please.
John is teaching Mary how to ride a bicycle.
4.主-----谓(vt.)-------宾-------补(n./adj/adv/介词短语/to do sth----如:ask, tell, order,want, wish, encourage, allow, forbid/Do sth----如:“四看”、“二听”、“一感觉”;have, let 与 make /Doing sth/Done by sb.)
I saw her enter the lab.
Nathan Hale felt his heart beating fast.
We elected him our school headmaster.
The students often keep their classroom clean and tidy.
I'll have the bike repaired.
I heard him singing happily in the next room.
That man made the boy obey him.
He painted the door red.
She found her bike stolen.
let me have a look.
We call her Xiao li.
We asked them to stay for lunch.
I wish you to go with me.
Don't keep your mother waiting.
suddenly she saw a wallet lying on the ground.
The news was exciting.
He was excited at the news.
The teachers' office is clean and tidy.
She became a League member in 1978.
The Summer Palace looks especially beauitiful in the early morning.
The music sounds sweet. Your answer doesn't sound right.
The dish smells good/delicious.
The liquid tastes bitter.
My job is to teach English./teaching English.
This story is very interesting.
I'm interested in the story. He became a writer in 1960.
比较: He turned writer in 1960. He will make a good athlete.(成为)希望你能熟记上述经典例句,真正掌握这五大基本句型呀。

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
第1个回答  2012-08-22
第一种 主语+连系动词+表语 ( S+V+P)
The bike is new.
The map is on the wall.
第二种 主语+不及物动词 ( S+V)
He swims.
第三种 主语+及物动词+宾语 ( S+V+O)
Children often sing this song.
第四种 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 ( S+V+IO+DO)
She showed her friends all her pictures.
第五种 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 ( S+V+O+C)
We keep our classroom clean and tidy.
He likes maths, but he needs help.
I help him and he helps me.
He said ( that) he felt sick.
I don't know whether ( if) she still works in the factory.
I take back what I said.
I can't tell who is there.
Can you tell me where the Summer Palace is?
The train had left when I got to the station.
I'll go with you to the cinema this afternoon if I'm free.
The students went to the farm because the farmers needed some help.
The earth is bigger than the moon.
He was so tired that he couldn't walk on.
* Jack worked hard so that he might get a good job.
Doctor Wang went to the hospital though it rained heavily.
Find the girl who is wearing a red skirt.
Show me the picture that you like best.
Colour the birds which ( that) are flying.
第2个回答  2012-08-15
