There are also many subgroups among vegetarians when it comes to their diet patterns. Three of them are most typical. The first group is actually not vegetarian by strict definition, although they often call themselves vegetarians. They eat fish but no meat. The second group is lacto-ovo vegetarians, which account for the majority of the vegetarian population. Lacto stands for milk while ovo means eggs. So as you can guess by now, these people include milk and other dairy products in their diet. The third group is called vegan. This type of strict vegetarians gives up any product or food produced from animals. They do not eat any animal flesh such as meat, poultry, fish or shellfish nor do they eat animal products such as eggs and milk. Vegans do not eat even honey because bees could be killed during its production. Their diet consists totally of vegetables, vegetable oils and seeds. There are even more extreme vegetarians including people who focus on eating sprouts, and people who live only on fruit, but they are still a small minority among vegetarians.
可以有点责任心吗 ,翻译机我也会用。。。哎。。。
谁可以帮我把一段英语翻译成韩语吗??十分感谢 因为是发表 要算成绩的...
기는 먹지않는다.두번째 그룹은 유제품-채식주의자다.채식주의자들에...
请帮我把“感谢 ”翻译成各国语言版
韩语:감사합니다(卡目沙哈米大)法语:Merci、Merci beaucoup(非常感谢)、Je vous remercie(我谢谢您)、Je te remercie(我 谢谢你)德语:Danke!(谢谢!) Danke sehr!(非常感谢!)Danke schön!(非常感谢!)Vielen Dank!(非常感谢!)Dank...
내가" monstar "를 볼 줄 때 그것을 Yinxue 칭찬 도 그래서 그것을 밖으로 같은 손을 , 심...
2. 相信我,因为我永远是你的伙伴。 3. 请多陪我游戏。 4. 别忘了,我也有心。 5. 若我不听你说的话,那是有理由的。 6. 别打我,别和我打架,如果动起真格来我比你厉害。 7. 你能上学校、能有很多朋友,但我却只有你。 8. 我老了以后,请不要遗弃我。 9. 我只能活十年左右,所以请珍...
我的 高分~~!!高手帮我翻译一段中文到韩国语。谢谢! 帮我翻译成韩国语吧,小妹能力有限,大家多多帮忙。高分奉上!不要机器翻译的。谢谢!!三、国际商品市场价格下跌,中国企业的原材料成本下降。前几年,由于美元贬值、投机盛行、需求... 帮我翻译成韩国语吧,小妹能力有限,大家多多帮忙。高分奉上!不要机器翻译的...
我的 有没有韩语高手能把这个故事翻译成韩语的? 一天,一个盲人带着他的导盲犬过街时,一辆大卡车失去控制,直冲过来,盲人当场被撞死,他的导盲犬为了守卫主人,也一起惨死在车轮底下。主人和狗一起到了天堂门前。一个天使拦住他俩,为难地... 一天,一个盲人带着他的导盲犬过街时,一辆大卡车失去控制,直冲过来,盲人...
han guk mal eul mal hae ju se yo(寒古玛呢儿 玛嘞 狙色哟)请说韩语 안녕히 가세요an nyeong hi ga se yo(安凌he 卡色哟)再见 내가 너한테 질문할 ...
在韩国上学, 教授老是让把英文论文翻译成韩国语
比如你可以流畅的将英文翻译成中文。那么你的问题就是卡在韩语上,那就要多补习韩语了。如果你中英都有问题,那你就暂时先别考虑韩文怎么样,先把英语学好,弄通。因为对于你来说英韩互译是建立在中英互译的基础上的。心急吃不了热豆腐。翻译这种事情只能慢慢来,一点一点积累。希望对你有所帮助 ...
시요. 나는,좌 너 걸어야 했다,I은 하고자 했다 오히려,그러나Idid평균을, 너&...
请帮我翻译成韩语 !!! 不要用翻译机!! 谢谢了!!!^&^ 很急用~~~
我的 请帮我翻译成韩语 !!! 不要用翻译机!! 谢谢了!!!^&^ 很急用~~~ 贵校的老师及领导大家好!我是来自吉林省磐石的男孩子,我今年20岁,我的名字叫国辉。我是一个阳光开朗热情的男孩子,我喜欢运动,平时在学校的篮球场里面总能寻觅到我的身影。我有个... 贵校的老师及领导大家好!我是来自吉林省磐石...