• <HTML> and </HTML> must enclose the entire file.
• <HEAD> and </HEAD> begin and end the header which includes information about the file, such as its title or other items used by Web search engines.
• <TITLE> and </TITLE> begin and end the title that appears at the top of the browser’s window.
• <BODY> and </BODY> enclose the body of the document to be displayed by the browser.
• <CENTER> and </CENTER> surround text that is to be centered with a blank line after it.
• <H1> and </H1> to <H6> and </H6> start and stop different sized headings (1 for large and 6 for small) that are in bold text with space before and after.
• <P> and </P> mark the beginning and ends of paragraphs that browsers separate with a carriage return and a blank line.
• <I> and </I> mark italicized text.
• <B> and </B> mark bold text.
• <CODE> and </CODE> mark text displayed as a monospaced computer font.
• <PRE> and </PRE> mark "preformatted" text where the browser should use extra spaces, tabs, and blank lines in the HTML file. This is an exception to the general rule that can make life much easier.
• <OL> and </OL> mark an "ordered" or numbered list.
• <UL> and </UL> start and stop an "unordered" or bulleted list. An unordered list can appear by itself or within an ordered list.
• <LI> and </LI> marks the beginning and end of each list item in either type of list.
Many tags can contain additional information known as “attributes.” For example, the paragraph tags <P ALIGN = LEFT> </P> cause a paragraph to be left justified, the default. Other values of the ALIGN attribute are CENTER, JUSTIFY, and RIGHT.
Single Tags
A few tags do not have to appear as pairs, such as the ones shown below.
•<BR> breaks a line without inserting an extra blank line like the <P> and </P> pair does.
•<HR> inserts a horizontal line.
•<IMG SRC = "filename.ext"> inserts the image in filename.ext, where .ext typically is .gif or .jpg.
•<!--comments that do not display--> uses the initial <! to signal that what follows is a comment not to be displayed. Inclusion of the two dashes (--) is not mandatory, but it does help some software.
贵人遭遇水云郷,冷淡交情滋味长.黄阁开时延故客,骅骝应得聚康荘 结交通义胜黄金,黄金不及至人心.王阳贡禹当年事,相庆弹冠待好音.”这里的贵人——指对自己有帮助的人或者是情投意合的人或是对自己非常重要的人。水云乡——是指富贵,贫贱邀游的地方。也指虚幻境地,多指有神仙居住的虚无飘渺之地...
2番目の时间、私は行くにはスピードを送り、あなたはありません、 2番目の时间、私は、あなたを救うためにヘリコプターを送信すると、不本意な结果の受け入れをしている场合は、お客様の仪式质问
麻烦各位高手 帮忙翻译一下 很急 谢谢了~~~答好必加分!!!
大意已经翻译出来了,保证都能看懂。很辛苦呦,加分鼓励吧。‘Pure English-majoring professionals’ will be facing challenges, while students who major in English in normal schools are becoming popular. Pure English speciality is English speciality which is offered by integrated colleges. Analys...
急急急 英文翻译求高手帮忙,周五要用的,不要用什么翻译器翻译
as a hotel public relations officer ,he should first ensure your own moral cultivation,besides, as for the manager,he should be honest andupright。It seems that i can only achieve two or three points of the above。 but i will never give up and keep on working hard towards...
澳洲和中国承担联合可行性研究入一个可能的自由贸易协议(FTA)。 研究不是前体到交涉开始,而是宁可为辨认贸易壁垒和发现共同基础的一个依据为他们的撤除。为中国,影响双边贸易联系的循环再补给是澳洲的反倾销规则。 在过去十年,进口从中国比那些是受更多反倾销行动支配从其中任一少校工业化或发展中国家。
日语翻译 急急急急~~求高手帮忙!!!