The purpose in sensitivity analysis is to determine which input parameters are significant and
contribute most to the output variability. This is measured as the magnitude of a change in the
solution resulting from a change in independent variables and parameters. Sensitivity analysis
is essential in order to identify the critical aspects of the investment model that affect model
output uncertainty. Based on this relative importance, sensitivity analysis provides guidance
for further data collection and modeling (Manache & Melching 2008). Sensitivity analysis
reveals under which conditions the model or with which parameter values the solution is
robust, i.e. under what circumstances the model is insensitive to the changes in input
parameters. It helps in defining under what circumstances the change in operational activities
is required. In case of real options, this is required in order to be able to decide on option
exercise timely. Sensitivity analysis may also reveal what is
the accuracy of the final model
and the degree of uncertainty. This may be related to data accuracy, model uncertainty, and
this uncertainty is reflected both as ambiguity and volatility uncertainty.
Four desirable properties of sensitivity analysis are 1) the ability to cope with the influence of
scale and shape, 2) grouping of factors, 3) model independency, and 4) multidimensional
averaging (Saltelli et al., 2004). The first requirement, ability to cope with the influence of
scale and shape, means that the influence of the input should incorporate the effect of the
range function. The second desirable property of grouping factors means being able to treat
grouped factors as if they were single factors. This property of synthesis is essential for the
agility of the interpretation of the results. Third desirable property is model independency,
which means that the method should work regardless of the additivity or linearity of the
陈师表 翻译!!!求翻译!!!
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1. 文言文求翻译 许孜,字是季义,籍贯是东阳吴宁。孝顺友爱恭敬礼让,聪明又爱学习。二十岁的时候,拜豫章太守(官名)会稽人孔冲为师,向他学习《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《易》及《孝经》、《论语》这些书。学完后就回家(指小镇或乡下的家里)了。孔冲在郡里去世,许孜听说后非常悲哀,前去吊唁,并送丧到了孔冲的...