帮我翻译下,不要在线翻译的 谢谢了 大恩不言谢

随着因特网的发展和后PC时代的到来,嵌入式系统已经成为计算机技术的 一个重要组成部分,日益增长的应用也使得它成为计算机信息技术的一个新的研究热点,呈现出巨大的市场需求。嵌入式技术在汽车工业中很广泛的被应用。

第1个回答  2009-05-10
With the development of the Internet and post-PC era, embedded system, computer technology has become an important part of the application of the growing also makes computer information technology it has become a new hotspot, showing a huge market demand for . Embedded technology in the automobile industry has been very broad application 我的才好
第2个回答  2009-05-10
With the development of the Internet and post-PC era, embedded system, computer technology has become an important part of the application of the growing also makes computer information technology it has become a new hotspot, showing a huge market demand for . Embedded technology in the automobile industry has been very broad application 我的最好了
第3个回答  2009-05-10
With the development of the Internet and post-PC era, embedded system, computer technology has become an important part of the application of the growing also makes computer information technology it has become a new hotspot, showing a huge market demand for . Embedded technology in the automobile industry has been very broad application本回答被网友采纳


请帮我用日语翻译出下面的文字,大恩不言谢 关于理想,每个人都不一样...


田横来,大者王,小者乃侯耳;不来,且举兵加诛焉。 译文:如果田横来投降,便可封王或侯;如果不来,便派兵去把岛上的人通通消灭掉。物有相类,事容脱误,幸劳见归,何为谢之?译文:东西或者有相像的。事情或者有错误的。既然你很辛苦地来送还了我。 何必还要谢罪呢 .灾异或见,引躬克责。

大恩不言谢 直译是 For a great favour, no thanks are necessary , 但这可能被误解成大恩是不必道谢的。至于英语成语,和大恩不言谢相近的有 cannot thank one enough :不能足够地感谢某人,也就是感激不尽,例 如 : I can't thank you enough for your kindness。大德固难言谢 ...


to repay , not wanting to say having moved lips more, therefore, feeling of wanting to come to express being thankful at heart with actual deeds in the days to come. 大恩不言谢 。是指无论如何也难以报答,更不要说只动嘴皮子了,所以,今后要用实际行动来表示心中的感激之情。

“大恩不言谢”英文怎么写?(1) Great Grace says no thanks (2) Great Grace, kindness, favour, gratitude does not need to be uttered with saying thanks!(3) Immense Grace admits of saying no thanks !(4) Heavenly Gratitude is not necessary to be spoken out in terms of saying ...


I don't say about thanking for your big kindness.
