

第1个回答  2016-04-29
  Kitten KITTY and his father a day to go fishing,Dad concentrate on fishing,Kitty and has no patience fishing,grab the butterfly 3KITTY found that the father has been caught many fish,so to fishing 4KITTY and dad also started to catch a lot of fish,eat a hearty dinner
第2个回答  2016-04-29
One day, the cat took the fishing rod and bucket to the river fishing.
To the river, the kitten fishing out, carefully angling fish. It quietly waiting, not and in a short while, it is found that the fishing rod in dynamic and kitten quickly to pulled up the fishing rod, fishing is actually a shoe, kitten very discouraged. All of a sudden, shoes jumped out of the a big, fat fish. At this time, the cat happily jumped up. Then, the cat will happily go home.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2022-10-11
Kitten KITTY and his father a day to go fishing,Dad concentrate on fishing,Kitty and has no patience fishing,grab the butterfly 3KITTY found that the father has been caught many fish,so to fishing 4KITTY and dad also started to catch a lot of fish,eat a hearty dinne

Kitten KITTY and his father a day to go fishing,Dad concentrate on fishing,Kitty and has no patience fishing,grab the butterfly 3KITTY found that the father has been caught many fish,so to fishing 4KITTY and dad also started to catch a lot of fish,eat a hearty dinner ...

Mother Cat and Baby Cat (go) fishing. Suddenly a bird (comes).She (feels) very happy.The Baby Cat is going to catch the bird. But she can't catch the bird. (So) she feel very sad. She (feels) happy again because there is another butterfly (comeing).And she is goi...

Mother Cat and Baby Cat (go) fishing. Suddenly a bird (comes).She (feels) very happy.The Baby Cat is going to catch the bird. But she can't catch the bird. (So) she feel very sad. She (feels) happy again because there is a butterfly (comes).And she is going to...

小猫花花揉着眼睛起床了,他打算去叫小猫红红一起去钓鱼,他跑到红红的家门口,敲了敲门,红红开门了,问:“花花,有什么事吗?”花花微笑着说:“红红,咱们一起去钓鱼吧!”“好!”红红爽快地答应了。 他们高高兴兴地来到了小河边,刚坐到地上,一只蜻蜓就飞到了红红的头上,红红飞快地把鱼竿收了回来,去抓蜻蜓了,蜻...

然后SUDDENLY A BIRD COMING 如果用在口语是可以理解的但是如果正式使用显然不行 少了动词 该是SUDDENLY THERE IS A BIRD COMING。最后一句SHE DON’T HAVE。。。应该改成SHE DOESN’T。。。SHE 是第三人称单数 基本上这文章太过于口语化 你让我看我看得懂 但是语法很多地方有问题 另外一般故事都应...

”并把石字隐了,遂称“美猴王。” 篇二:小猫钓鱼记 暑假的一天,小猫咪咪独自在家闷得发慌,就决定去河边钓钓鱼,透透气儿。咪咪拿着鱼竿,提着水桶,带着鱼饵兴高采烈地来到河边,开始一心一意地钓鱼。不一会儿,水桶里就装满了大大小小的鱼。咪咪一边继续钓鱼,一边想:鱼儿们在水里游来游去,...

以《时间观念》为题目,写一篇不少于600字作文 时间,从古到今文人墨客们留下了多少关于它的诗句,它的文章。 他们无非是要强调时间的宝贵,告诫我们珍惜时间。 可是诗背了一首又一首,文章学了一篇又一篇,时间却仍然被我大量的忽略,总是一天结束,夜幕降临,我才感叹,时间怎么过得这么快。 我不是一个自觉的人,我...

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英语作文100字主要内容是,上周日小明和爷爷去钓鱼,钓到大鱼,当... We have not seen each other for a long time.I miss (think of) you very much.I wish (that) I had wings and could fly to your home.However,this is impossible!Father (My father) has gone abroad of late.If I had had...

Kitten KITTY and his father a day to go fishing,Dad concentrate on fishing, Kitty and has no patience fishing, grab the butterfly 3KITTY found that the father has been caught many fish, so to fishing 4KITTY and dad also started to catch a lot of fish, eat a hearty dinner...
