
首先,我们介绍一下盈利模式,一般说来,盈利模式应该包括一个核心和四个基本要素(如图1所示) 。一个核心就是价值创造,即,向客户提供什么样的价值。四个基本要素分别是盈利增长点、盈利的对象、盈利的措施和盈利的屏障。盈利增长点,是指企业可以获取利润的产品或服务,它解决的是向用户提供什么样的价值的问题。盈利的对象,是指企业商品或服务的购买者和使用者群体,它解决的是向哪些用户提供价值的问题。盈利的措施,是企业生产过程以及吸引客户购买和使用本企业产品或服务的一系列经营活动,它回答了企业如何提供价值,能够提供价值的关键活动有哪些的问题。盈利的屏障,是企业为防止竞争者掠夺本企业的利润而采取的防范措施,它解决的是如何保持持久盈利的方法的问题。
1. 价值创造。阿里巴巴价值目标的设定和实现是一个循序渐进、逐步拓展的过程,可以概括为:信息交流———交易平台———诚信保障———支付中介———搜索工具。上世纪末,电子商务开始在中国萌芽,大多数国内企业对这一新生事物还懵懵懂懂如雾里看花,而与此同时,由于受传统交流媒介的限制商务活动中存在着严重的信息不对称现象,商家极其渴望准确及时地得到市场信息。正是因为敏锐地察觉到这一点,新成立的阿里巴巴给自己做了一个务实的定位———专做信息流。它从最基础的提供信息交流平台开始,在其运营的“Alibaba. com”上为寻求交易的企业免费发布产品及服务信息。这种免费使用使得阿里巴巴人气剧升,经过短短的一年多时间(截止2000年12月5日)登录该网站的企业已经达到了97万家,并且仍以每天2, 500家的速度快速增长。由此,阿里巴巴达到了吸引眼球、网罗用户的目的,截止2001年12月27日,其注册会员数已达到100万名,为日后的收费服务奠定了广泛的客户基础。在已经打出一定知名度,拥有大量会员的基础上,阿里巴巴开始着手建立一个便捷的网上交易平台,为国内外企业提供Web站点构筑和维护管理、网站推广、交易订单管理等服务,通过促成买卖双方的交易收取服务费用。随着网上交易的广泛开展,信用危机日益凸显,商家的诚信、支付的安全等都成为阻碍电子商务发展的桎梏。基于这一认识, 2002年3月,阿里巴巴和信用管理公司合作,启动了“诚信通”计划,通过一定的指标审核商家的诚信度,解决网络商家之间的信任问题。2003年10月,阿里巴巴又在淘宝网推出了第三方支付平台———“支付宝”,作为诚信、中立的第三方机构,发挥保障货款安全及维护买卖双方利益的作用,解决电子商务支付环节的安全问题,同时与自己的交易平台相辅相成,进一步扩大客户群。接着,在2005年,阿里巴巴再度出手并购了全球最大门户网站雅虎的中国公司涉足搜索领域。因为马云曾经说过,“未来发展电子商务跟搜索引擎是密不可分的”。如此这般,阿里巴巴按部就班地实现其关于电子商务四大基础———市场、信用、支付、搜索的理念,不断发掘新的价值源泉,创造新的利润增长点。

First of all, tell us about our profit model, generally speaking, profit model should include a core and four basic elements (as shown in Figure 1). Is a core value creation, namely, to provide customers with what kind of value. Four basic elements are separately profit growth point, the object of profit, profitability measures and profitability barrier. Growth point of profit is profit enterprises can obtain a product or service, it solves is to provide users with the value of what kind of problem. Profit targets, refer to enterprises purchase goods or services and users groups, it solves is to provide users with the value of which problem. Profitability measures, the production process of enterprises and to attract customers buy and use products or services of the enterprise series of business activities, it answered the enterprises of how to provide value, be able to provide the value of the key activity which has the problem. Profitable barriers to prevent competitors are companies plunder the profits of the enterprise to take preventive measures, it has resolved is how to maintain lasting profitability problems.
Alibaba's profit model analysis.
1. Value creation. Alibaba value of goal setting and implementation is a gradual, step by step process of expansion can be summed up as: information exchange trading platform --- --- --- paid intermediary to protect the integrity --- search tool. On the end of the century, e-commerce start budding in China, most domestic enterprises of the new things such as懵懵懂懂also雾里看花, while at the same time, because by the traditional media to communicate the restriction of business activity there is a serious information is not symmetric situation, business is extremely eager to be accurate and timely market information. It is precisely because acutely aware of this, the newly formed Alibaba give themselves to do a pragmatic --- specifically targeted information flow to do. It from the most basic provision of information exchange platform for beginning, in its operations "Alibaba. Com" to seek a deal on free enterprise information products and services. Alibaba makes free use of this popular drama or, for more than a year after a short period of time (as of December 5, 2000) web log of the enterprises has reached 970,000, and still every day 2, 500 of the speed of rapid growth. Thus, to attract eyeballs Alibaba reached, the quest for the user's purpose, as of December 27, 2001, the register number of Members have reached one million for future fee-based services has laid a broad customer base. Must have been shot at fame, with a large number of Members on the basis of the start Alibaba set up a convenient online trading platform for domestic and foreign enterprises to build and maintain Web site management, web promotion, trade order management services, contributed to both buyers and sellers through transaction charge for the services. With a wide range of online transactions carried out, highlighting the growing credit crisis, business integrity, to pay the security of e-commerce have become an obstacle to the development of the shackles. Based on this understanding, in March 2002, Alibaba and credit management company, launched the "Home" program, through the indicators must examine the integrity of business degrees, solve the network problem of trust between businesses. October 2003, Alibaba launched in TaoBao --- third-party payment platform, "Email" as the honest, neutral, third-party agencies, exert the protection of payment security and the role of safeguarding the interests of buyers and sellers to resolve e-commerce payment aspect of security issues, simultaneously with their complementary trading platform to further expand the customer base. Then, in 2005, Alibaba acquired re-sell the world's largest web portal Yahoo, Chinese companies involved in the search fields. Since Ma once said, "with the future development of e-commerce search engine are inseparable." And so it goes, step by step Alibaba achieve its basic --- about four e-commerce market, credit, payment, search concept, and constantly explore new source of value, and create new profit growth point.
第1个回答  2012-11-01
method:first of all,let me introduce our profit mode,generally,profit mode should include one core and four basic elements(showing as graph one )本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-03-20
哇 你是在学电子商务分析的行业吗

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