2.7.1 Equivalent loads and linear transformation
The equivalent loading due to prestress can generally be found by simple equilibrium of
forces. For example, for the externally prestressed bridge illustrated in Fig. 2.11(a),
equilibrium of vertical forces gives an upward force at B of:
As the angle, θ, is generally small, this can be approximated as:
It also follows from the small angle that the horizontal force is P cosθ ≈P. Finally, as the
forces are eccentric to the centroid at the ends, there are concentrated
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Fig. 2.11 Prestressed concrete beam with external post-tensioning: (a) elevation showing tendon;
(b) equivalent loading due to prestress
moments there of magnitude (Pcosθ)e2≈Pe2. Hence the total equivalent loading due to
prestress is as illustrated in Fig. 2.11(b). It can be shown that the equivalent loading due to
prestress is always self-equilibrating.
A parabolically profiled prestressing tendon generates a uniform loading which again can
be quantified using equilibrium of vertical forces. A small segment
Fig. 2.12 Segment of parabolically profiled tendon: (a) elevation; (b) equivalent loading
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of such a profile is illustrated in Fig. 2.12(a). At point 1, there is an upward vertical
component of the prestress force of:
As the angles are small:
where x1 is the X coordinate at point 1. This force is upwards when the slope is positive.
Similarly the vertical component of force at 2 is:
where F2 is downwards when the slope is positive. The intensity of uniform loading on this
segment is:
The equivalent loads on the segment are illustrated in Fig. 2.12(b).
Professional English for Road and Bridge Engineering.
调查研究是科学技术其中最重要的一个方面。一名研究人员通常作为团队的一员,与其他科学家和工程师共同研究。他或她往往是受雇于某个实验室或研究所,其经费通常由政府或某个行业提供。研究领域涉及土木工程,包括土力学及土壤加固技术等,并涉及到结构新材料的开发和试验。Civil engineering projects are a...
Part Ⅰ 专业英语翻译基础Part Ⅱ Introduction of Civil EngineeringPart Ⅲ Highway EngineeringPart Ⅳ Bridge and Tunnel EngineeringAppendix……
书名:道路与桥梁工程专业英语 层次:高职高专配套:电子课件ISBN:978-7-111-29777-2作者:骆毅 熊文林 黄克海出版社:机械工业出版社出版日期:2010-04-20版次:1-1定价:¥22.0内容简介本书是应用型本科、高职高专院校道路与桥梁工程技术专业英语阶段教学用书,也可供相关专业教学使用,或作为相关...
书名: 道路与桥梁工程专业英语 作者: 本书由柴秀智和刘仲波两位专家共同编著 出版社: 北京理工大学出版社,以其高质量的出版物而闻名 出版日期: 2010年1月,这本书在那个时期推出,为读者提供了及时的学习资源 ISBN: 9787564029470,这一独特的编号用于识别和查找本书 开本: 16开,适合学生日常阅读和...