在法兰西6月的晨风中,一队身着军服的老人蹒跚着走来。清朗的阳光打在他们脸上,他们胸前的勋章熠熠生辉。军乐队奏响了迎宾曲,礼炮轰鸣. 女王站起来了,总统站起来了,总理、首相和部长们站起来了,来自世界各地的不同年龄、不同肤色、不同性别的民众也站起来了,并且用不同的语言欢呼——老人们知道这是在向他们致敬!希拉克总统再次向他们授予了荣誉勋章,然后致辞说,法国和欧洲对他们永远感激。这是在诺曼底,他们是60年前在这里登陆的老兵。看到这,我想不通为什么中国不举办这样的纪念活动。让他们胸前挂满勋章地接受我们的欢呼和敬意,然后庄严地告诉他们:中国和亚洲对他们永远感激。“我们不怕死亡,我们怕被遗忘“。摘自“读者”——“老兵安在”。
We can learn a lots of useful information from television which are quite helpful to us. When we feel upset and unhappy, the variety shows can meet our requirements by easing our minds and comforting our bodies. However, we can't be too much indulging in watching TV.2.Email很...
5、 雨雪天气,小心路滑 Cautious about slippery during rainy and snowy days.
why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统,做一个梦想家 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为你想成为的人 i know that we all got one thing 我知道我们都有一样东西 that we all share together 可以一起分享 we got that one nice dream 我们有一个美好的梦想 ...
1、I turned away and looked out of the window. 我转过脸望向窗外。2、don't turn your anger on the children. 不要对小孩子发火。3、he turns 20 in june. 到六月他就满20岁了。4、she turned against her old friend. 她敌对了她的老朋友。5、why did he turn down your invitation...
by mimicking the olfactory function of dogs, produce "electronic dog","electronic nose"3.热情,以主人为中心督促按时起床按时跑步 passionate, wake up and go jogging based on master's timing 4.夜晚帮主人壮胆 accompany master at night 5.能吃苦,胃口好,生活有规律,服从 can take hardship,...
I'm easy to give up since i was 2 and i have no idea whether i can make it this time.But i hope we can go through,whatever the ending is.我从小到大做事情都是3分钟热度,我不知道这次是不是又是如此,但是不管结果最后是怎样。希望能彼此努力。I'll not make you worried ...
Danane,(是住址但不是英语,不知道啥意思)最亲爱的,以求协助的一个恳求。我很高兴能联络到你,我想和你在你的国家中建立投资协助。虽然我们以前没有和你见过面,但是我相信, 在一生当中有时候 我们需要冒险去尝试委托某人以谋求成功。 然而不是强制性的 ,也不会以任何方式强迫你违背你的意志。我...
I make a hat out of it.我做的帽子走出来。 I love my new hat.我爱我的新帽子。I have a hat.我有一顶帽子。 My hat is old.我的帽子是旧的。 I want a new button.我想要一个新的按钮。I make a button out of it.我做了它的一个按钮。 I love my new button.我爱我的新...
Why say this to is it 1 that make a person sad nursery tale?Not only is because of this only at the end of the nursery tale, kinglet's son disappeared lightly.Is also because of this nursery tale, we come in sight of too many of past with grief, originally in the world...
1. I'm still looking for my wallet.2. Have I been working in this company for 2 years? She'll be there for many more years.3. Have you been studying in the university for 2 years? Yes, we are now learning Advanced English.4. He knows this old city well for he goes...