
杯弓蛇影 烈火见真金 狐假虎威 异曲同工 集腋成裘 有眼不识泰山


杯弓蛇影 be jittery with imaginary fears
烈火见真金 Fine gold must be purified in the flaming fire
狐假虎威 sought power by riding the back of the tiger
异曲同工 so differently but can achieve the same effect
集腋成裘 Little and often fills the purse
有眼不识泰山 Entertain an angel unawares.
第1个回答  2009-10-08
杯弓蛇影 Self-created suspicion
烈火见真金 Adversity proves
狐假虎威 Course not.though
异曲同工 Now
集腋成裘 Many a little makes a mickle
有眼不识泰 山 An eye don't know mount taishan
第2个回答  2009-10-03
杯弓蛇影 be jittery with imaginary fears
烈火见真金 Fine gold must be purified in the flaming fire
狐假虎威 sought power by riding the back of the tiger
异曲同工 so differently but can achieve the same effect
集腋成裘 Little and often fills the purse
Entertain an angel unawares.
第3个回答  2009-10-03
Self-created suspicion Adversity proves Course not.though Now Many a little makes a mickle An eye don't know mount taishan
第4个回答  2009-10-03
Over suspicious "adversity proves' ' ' 'different course not.though earned an eye don't know mount taishan'

100个中国成语的英文版,果断收藏 !
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我的 谁知道一些比较经典的英文成语(带翻译) 3个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?languotou 2012-06-20 · TA获得超过613个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:269 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:73.3万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 A爱不释手fondle admiringly 爱财如命skin a flea for its h...

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1. 爱不释手 - fondle admiringly 2. 爱财如命 - love money as much as life 3. 爱屋及乌 - love the house and the crow on it 4. 安居乐业 - live and work in peace and contentment 5. 按部就班 - learn to walk before you run... [continue with the rest of the list]

几个成语英语翻译 急!!!
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杯弓蛇影 be jittery with imaginary fears 烈火见真金 Fine gold must be purified in the flaming fire 狐假虎威 sought power by riding the back of the tiger 异曲同工 so differently but can achieve the same effect 集腋成裘 Little and often fills the purse 有眼不识泰山 Entertain ...

六六大顺:May you spend a smooth life!八万来财(八仙过海不太符合祝福的涵义):May trillions of coins go to you!九九归一:May all be said and done!十全十美:May perfect come in every way!还有七星高照、百事亨通、千事吉祥、万事如意等等。中国的成语真的很难翻译,一旦翻译成英文,就...

1、Love me,love my dog.【翻译】爱屋及乌 2、Seeing is believing.【翻译】眼见为实 3、 A slow sparrow should make an early start.【翻译】笨鸟先飞 4、white night 5、spare no effort;go all out;do one's best 【翻译】全力以赴 6、No discord,no concord.【翻译】不打不相识 【...

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