gossip girl 第一季 18集 chuck在他父亲婚礼上的演讲词


I’d like to propose a toast;
My father is someone who goes after what he wants.
Lily van der Wooderson is no exception.
对于追求Lily Van Der Woodsen也不例外。
A typical Bass man fashion is to pursue directly and at times not exactly subtle.
One thing I learned about my father’s courtship for Lily is
the importance of perseverance and that in the face of true love you don’t just give up even it is the object of your affection is begging you to.
One thing I learned from Lily is the importance of forgiveness.
She gave my farther the gift of the second chance and in kind, I watched him to be someone actually worthy of that gift ,
and one day I hope I will be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me.
The happy come.
第1个回答  2008-09-11
I’d like to propose a toast; My father is someone who goes after what he wants. Lily van der Wooderson is no exception. A typical Bass man fashion is to pursue directly and at times not exactly subtle. One thing I learned about my father’s courtship for Lily is the importance of perseverance and that in the face of true love you don’t just give up even it is the object of your affection is begging you to. One thing I learned from Lily is the importance of forgiveness. She gave my farther the gift of the second chance and in kind, I watched him to be someone actually worthy of that gift and one day I hope I will be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me.

跪求gossip girl里的一句台词
and one thing I learned from Lily is the importance of forgiveness. [我也从Lily身上学到了宽恕的重要]She gave my father the gift of a second chance,and in kind, [她给了我父亲第二次机会 同时]I've watched him become someone actually worthy of that gift. [我父亲也不负众望 改...

看来我们的这个Gossip Girl 终于没能挽回Dan的爱情;在种种现实面前,Lily终于第四次踏上红毯,而Rufus也走上了自己的旅程;隔着一道布鲁克林桥,Nate和Vanessa的感情无疾而终;而婚礼上Chuck的深情演讲虽然使他赢得了Blair的芳心,但这对欢喜冤家终于没能双飞欧洲,而是又遇见了新的伴侣。当然也不是一切...

C : Maybe I am not .B : Chuck Bass , I will never say those words to you .C : Then you will never have me .B: Is this because of V ? It was a game , Chuck , that is it .C: Maybe I want to raise the stakes , are you ready to play that game ? I cha...

这是关于第一季在旅行时C抛弃B后。B在WHITE PARTY 后 要跟那个伯爵走了,C追出来 对话 B:Chuck , aren't done try to destroy my night 。 C:Look , I should never abandoned you and i knew i made the wrong decision as your plane took off , i distract myself all summer so i...

看来我们的这个Gossip Girl 终于没能挽回Dan的爱情;在种种现实面前,Lily终于第四次踏上红毯,而Rufus也走上了自己的旅程;隔着一道布鲁克林桥,Nate和Vanessa的感情无疾而终;而婚礼上Chuck的深情演讲虽然使他赢得了Blair的芳心,但这对欢喜冤家终于没能双飞欧洲,而是又遇见了新的伴侣。当然也不是一切...

Gossip girl第一季到第三季chuck对blair说过的感人的话
Chuck: I’d like to propose a toast.我想提议干杯。My father is someone who goes after what he wants. Find Lily was no exception.我父亲是个喜欢追求梦想的人。Lily也不例外。In typical Bass-man fashion his pursuit was direct and at times not exactly subtle.依照Bass家男人的传统作风...

第一季18集 Chuck: You don’t belong with Nate, never have, never will. Blair: You don’t belong with anyone. C:你并不属于N,从来不会,并且永远不会。 B:你不属于任何人。 第二季01 C:Please don't leave with him. C: 请不要和他走。 Blair: Why? Give me a reason and "I'm Chuck...

gossip girl结局是什么?
但是最后他们说好一起去旅行的时候,c爽约了,我觉得可能是因为c的爸爸对c说,认真交一个女朋友就能让他成为一个懂得负责任的男人,而c显然还没有准备好成为一个负责任的人,所以最后c爽约了,还把本来要送给b的玫瑰花扔进垃圾桶,并且拿了其中的一枝送给另外一个女人。。这是第一季的结局 ...

楼主说的是那集Lily与Chuck爸爸一起和Chuck还有Serena谈话时,想起和Dan他爸爸在街上见面时的那首背景音乐吧。那首歌是OneRepublic的<Come Home>,出自他们2007年的专辑<Dreaming Out Loud> 这里是这首歌的下载地址:http:\/\/www.rayfile.com\/files\/ee59b299-ec1c-11dd-a220-0014221b798a\/ 这里是...

gossip girl 里面chuck&blair的最新情报!!!
