
Also, the AICP's Statements on Responsibilities in
Tax Practice sets forth the standards a CPA should
follow in recommending tax return positions. For
example, Statement Number 1.02a reflects that a
CPA must have a good faith belief that the position
to be taken has a realistic possibility of bring
sustained administratively or judicially on its merits.
Therefore, the tax practitioner can take a position,
which exploits the intent of the law, if some "reasonable
support" can be gleaned from primary tax
authority, and still be within the legal ethics provided
by the Code of Conduct.
A major conflict arises because written codes of
responsibility and ethics only establish lines of consensus
impropriety. Theoretically, ethics requires
more of a person than technical compliance with
rules (Falk, 1986). An ethical person may choose to
openly break a law believed to be unjust. The characteristic
of lawfulness may be subordinated to other
conscience-driven values. For example, civil disobedience
has a long history of societal acceptance. On
the other hand, covert lawbreaking is not civil disobedience.
Not being discovered is a primary aspect
of this type of lawlessness. Would society consider
the Iran-Contra affair an act of civil disobedience?
The present day dynamic global economic system
includes organizations which have extensive international
activity. In an effort to enlmnce the performance
of these organizations, there is typically
decentralization of operations. There are numerous
incentives for decentralization. An example is the
enhancement of efficiency by the placement of decision
making at the level where the relevant information
is required, stored, and processed.
When decentralization exists it is necessary to
evaluate the decentralized units. Profit centers are
commonly used for this purpose. With profit centers
comes the need for transfer pricing between profit
centers. The transfer price should be determined in
some objective fashion. However, tax minimization
often is the driving force in the transfer price
decision (Wheeler, 1988). There is evidence that
multinational corporations take advantage of the
detailed, subjective regulations which govern Internal
Revenue Code Section 482, with regard to intercompany
transfer pricing.

第1个回答  2009-02-25
第2个回答  2009-02-26
On the other hand另一方面
第3个回答  2009-02-25
第4个回答  2009-02-25
第5个回答  2009-02-26
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