6. An American will build a house in which to pass his old age and sell it before the roof is on; he will plant a garden and rent it just as the trees are coming into bearing; he will clear a field and leave others to reap the harvest; he will take up a profession and leave it, settle in one place and soon go off elsewhere with his changing desires. If his private business allows him a moment’s relaxation, he will plunge at once into the whirlpool of polities. Then, if at the end of a year crammed with work he has a little spare leisure, his restless curiosity goes with him traveling up and down the vast territories of the United States. Thus he will travel five hundred miles in a few days as a distraction from his happiness.
I don't like myself that much, sensative, weak, unlovely.我害怕未来,又憧憬未来。I'm afaid of the future, while expecting the future.(最近感慨太多,妈的)So much feelings, shit 没事了,去他妈的未来,操蛋的世界,晚安 Nothing, damn it the future, the fucking work, good ni...
译文:With the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics, e-commerce in developing the role played by bigger and bigger. At present, China's e-commerce is still in a more difficult stage of development, the existing logistics system to a large extent restricted the development of ...
最高分求歌词中文大意。 cause you're my zing 如题,不要机器翻译。
我以为是真爱,结果只是暧昧。然后我遇到了一个女孩,感觉大有不同。就像正中红心,魂牵梦萦。小鹿乱撞,无法呼吸。不经意来到的爱,让我想放声歌唱。听那个人的歌声叫做斯汀。美女望向你的眼眸,好似春日降临。就如狮子王里的娜娜看见辛巴。 空气中擦出火花,我却无法觉察。我在其中翱翔荡漾。在雨中...
这是比较口语化的翻译:我喜欢打网球,因为网球是全身运动的,不但可以锻炼身体的灵活性,也可使身心得到健康发展。网球需要两人一起才能进行,既可培养群体的精神,也可增进友谊。如果体弱多病的人,也可以尝试以网球这运动增强自己的体魄。 与其他球类项目如乒乓球、羽毛球不同,网球的球重且速度快,...
爱されていないって思いたくな 我不想你跟我说你不爱我 あなたを失うのはこわいの 我害怕失去你 これ以上それ以上期待していても 即使我如何充满期待 伤つくだけと知っても…即使我知道我只会会受到伤害 どうしたの?って心配する 电影上的主人公担心的问自己的爱人一句:怎么了?映画の...
你的两段文章已翻好,请放心采用,杜绝机译,且翻译准确、达意。The turning of a part in a lathe is another example of several forces in action(as shown in Figure 1).一个零件在车床上车削是几个力作用的另一个例子(见图1)As the work revolves and the cutting tool moves into the...
队魂---Team spirit 顽强 毅力 忍耐 坚定---brawniness perseverance endurance stability 我们的行为准则是 our principle is 自信自强 ---Self - confidence and self - reliance 无私无谓 ---Selflessness and immateriality 敢想敢为 ---Dare to thinking and acting 尽善尽美 ---Expectation of...
不翻译也就罢了,翻译的话还是尽量自己做,努力做好!瞎起哄捞分一点意思都没!机器翻译更是无聊之举!★★★ 企业简介 Company profile 山东聊城宏大电缆厂,位于聊城市嘉明工业园,Shandong LiaoCheng City Hongda Cable Factory is located in the LiaoCheng Jiaming Industrial Park,西临京九铁路与韩济...
绝对人工翻译,尽量做到了专业词汇的专业翻译。新的TBT(Technical Barrier to Trade: 技术性贸易壁垒)协议以老的标准法典为基础,这使得它(TBT协议)成为更有效的工具,以阻止滥用技术规定、标准和标准符合评估过程,避免使它们在对待情况基本相同的国家时成为一种武断的或者无理的歧视,或者成为限制国际贸易...