我想要一个英文笑话(funny story)大概150-200字的 最好就有中英对照
One day, two old women were talking in the stadium. Later, they felt very hot and took the clothes off and run. Two old men saw them passed through. One said:" Did you see two people?" "Yes." "What are they wearing?" "I don't know. But one thing is sure. That ...
客人微笑着把奶酪放进嘴里说:“孩子,你的眼睛就是比你妈妈的好。你在哪里找到的奶酪?” “在捕鼠夹上,先生。”那小男孩说。 英语小笑话 上个星期五我穿了一件 Adidas 的衣服去打球, 一个老美看到就笑我说, "Do you know what does it mean? It means All Day I Dream About Sex.我整天都在想著 性...
一、站在屋顶的小山羊与狼 Standing on the roof of a small goat and the Wolf Kid standing on the roof and saw the Wolf walked through the bottom and then abuse him, and laughed at him. The Wolf said, "oh, buddy, scold me is not you, but your terrain." This story t...
This worked fine with my level 200a on up. A man got a parrot which could already talk. It had belonged to a sailor and had a big vocabulary. However, the man soon discovered that the parrot mostly know bad words. At first he thought it was funny, but then it became tiresome, and...
她知道她弄错了,然后马上想要解释。 “哦,真对不起。我以为你是我其中一个孩子的父亲。” I Am The Ninth Letter (Four) Teacher: Ann, give me a sentence starting with "I". Ann: "I is …" Teacher: No, Ann. You must always say "I am" Ann: Oh, right. "I am the ninth letter of the...
英雄泪 - 英文版 - Just A Dream 飘雪- 英文版 - Alone 谢谢你的爱 - 英文版 - Please Don't Leave Me 花心- 英文版 - Say You Love Me 真情难收 - 英文版 - True Love 祝福- 英文版 If I Could 一路上有你 - 英文版 只想一生跟你走 - 英文版 用心良苦 - 英文版 等你等到我心痛 - ...
中文翻译的不好…… 参考答案: 武大狼,要不是老师说不能乱扔垃圾,不然我早把你扔出去了! 帮我取个英文名(带中文翻译的) Ceilin 音译:夕林,夕和林加在一起就是梦字。 please sister的歌词大意(加中文翻译的) Please Sister 姐姐,救救我 The Cardigans 羊毛衫乐队 With a sampled heartbeat and a stolen ...
你看,我有另一只拖鞋。 Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on. 王子和灰姑娘举行了盛大的婚礼,幸福地生活。 <<灰姑娘>>剧本英文版: 第一场: 旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, her father ...
成语故事,中英文对照 惊弓之鸟 Birds Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring 战国时期(公元前403―221年中国中原地区各诸侯国连年争战的时代)魏国有个名叫更羸的人。一天,他对国王说:“我只要拉开弓,空射一下,就能把天上的鸟射下来。”国王不相信。更羸便对准天上飞来的一只雁射去,果真那只雁听到拉弦的...
通常看一个读些什么书就可知道他的为人,就像看他同什么人交往就可知道他的为人一样,因为有人以人为伴,也有人以书为伴。无论是书友还是朋友,我们都应该以最好的为伴。 好书就像是你最好的朋友。它始终不渝,过去如此,现在如此,将来也永远不变。它是最有耐心,最令人愉悦的伴侣。在我们穷愁潦倒,临危遭难时,...