{特别是在遇到经济危机下} 翻译成英文
encounter是遇到,但是suffer的话,是遭遇不好的事情,比较建议你用suffer 还有在美语里the是一个很强烈的感情词。如果你说是suffer the economic crisis,说明你对经济危机很重视,相反如果你说suffer,后面不用the,说明你对经济危机充满了信心,但是suffer是客观上,大家都不好过。。。略有些感触,呵呵。
Very thankful
1. In the present globalized economic conditions, China is facing an inescapable and completely revolution.2. The worldwide financial crisis since the end of 2008 has deeply made me to know the structure of world economics such as a free market economy is under the economic cycle w...
经济危机,这个词汇在英文中被准确地翻译为"economic crisis",它直观地描述了经济领域中出现的严重动荡和困难局面。经济危机常常伴随着一系列经济指标的急剧下滑,如GDP下降、失业率上升、企业倒闭和金融市场动荡等,给国家和社会带来深远影响。例如,"The war has exacerbated an acute economic crisis"这句...
and pay only half, but I also have been insisting to the present. I think that the work does not match with my personality, I prefer an export-oriented, service work, and the suppression of R & D type of work too, so good for my career development, I chose to resign.
经济危机是一个全球经济现象,涉及到金融、货币、产业、贸易等多个领域的动荡。英文表达为“Economic Crisis”。以下是关于该术语的 经济危机是一种经济活动的下滑和金融市场动荡的状态。这种状态可能由于多种因素引发,如过度借贷、资产价格泡沫、贸易失衡等。在经济危机期间,企业破产、失业率上升、消费者...
but these product at international present the situation of excesssive competition over a long period of time on the market, the additional value of the product is opposite and low, but the composing "dump" of an important condition would be "low in normal price", so these profes...
I'm proud of being born in this China, no matter what kind of trouble is met, she will always defeat obstacles in her way and march on. In the year of 2008, in front of cruel natural desasters and world-destroying economic crisis, the brave and hardworking Chinese did not...
实为鸡肋。 (2)强烈建议,在VIP地图,做贼而又经济危机的时候,此枪是最佳选择 。千万不要再买Mac-10(B34)了。 重型步枪类 AK-47 (Terrorist专用) 制造商:Avtomat Kalashnikov价钱:2500$弹夹容量:30发\/夹弹药最大携带量:90发武器特殊功能:无威力:强射程:中等精确度:低弹药:7.62mm装弹速度:慢射速:快 评价:...
英文翻译 中翻英的简单句 谢谢啦 :)
29. although is beset with difficulties, they have completed the task successfully.<dnt> the <\/dnt>30. earthquake has brought the huge economic loss for the local people.<dnt> in the <\/dnt>31. world any country has not been able to produce all products which it needs.if <...