It is suggested that all the young adults should undertake a period of unpaid work helping people in the community. Does it bring more benefits or drawbacks to the community and the young people?
In contemporary society, whether young adults should pay a period time for unpaid work of has indeed become a controversial issue that draws ever-increasing concerns among the public. Some argue that community and the young people will profit from it while others do not believe so. For my part, I do think it is necessary to explore this issue from different perspectives and further more shed some personal light.
To start with, it is an undeniable fact that young adults and community can benefit from the unpaid work. In the first place, helping other people in the community can enrich the youngster’s social experience and work experience. More importance, it can promote their physical, mental and emotional development through series of unpaid work. Moreover, as far as community is concerned, the people like senior citizens live in; can receive help in time if they meet difficulty. To illustrate, if an old man is sick severely, the young adults who help in the community can react in due course and then call for the doctor or ambulance.
On the other hand, although undertaking the unpaid work in the community can bring a vast number of benefits, however, some minor defeats cannot be neglected. An argument that can be made in favor of this is that if too many young adults sacrifice themselves into this project, it would also create a situation which is at the expense of the labor poor. In other word, it makes a waste to the labor force. Moreover, as the job is unpaid, consequently it is not suitable for most young people as a full-time job.
In conclusion, based on all the arguments offered above, personally, I am fully convinced that the benefits of young adults undertake a period of unpaid work to the community and young people overweight drawbacks overlooked.
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