
1.我们找到了学习英语的新方法(要求用a new approach to)
We found a new approach to studying English.
2.那位老师尝试了新的教学方法(要求用experiment with)
The teacher experiment with the new approach of teaching.
3.我一见到他就知道没有希望了(要求用the moment)
I knew it doesn't have hope the moment i met he.
4.他对这份全职工作厌烦了,只好去寻求一份兼职工作(要求用be bored和

hunt for)
He is bored with this full-time job have to hunt for a part-time

5.我决定写信给他而不是打电话(要求用rather than)
I decide to write to he rather than call he.
6.他有幸有一个幸福的家庭和健康的身体(要求用be blessed with)
He is blessed with a happy family and healthy body.
Xiao Shenyang’s sense of humorous made an deep impression on

The tourists protest against the bad serve of the hotel.
9.说唱乐是一种很容易随着节拍跳舞的音乐形式(要求用dance to)
Rap is a music which can dance to the rhythm easyly.

11.爱迪生在实验室里尝试了数千次最终发明了电灯(try out)
Edison tried out thousand times in the lab finally invented the

He take full advantage of the opportunity of joining English contest

to improve his spoken skills.
The scientist devoted himself to explore the secret of nature,

deserve to be respect.
14.你明天来这儿时我已经完成了这项工作了(要求用by the time)
By the time you come here tomorrow,I will have finished this work.
我感觉后面几句整体都不太对 很别扭 帮忙改改吧 谢谢

1.我们找到了学习英语的新方法(要求用a new approach to)
We found a new approach to studying English.
2.那位老师尝试了新的教学方法(要求用experiment with)
The teacher (experimented )with the new approach of teaching.
3.我一见到他就知道没有希望了(要求用the moment)
I knew (there was no hope)the moment i met (him)
4.他对这份全职工作厌烦了,只好去寻求一份兼职工作(要求用be bored和

hunt for)
He is bored with this full-time job( so he has to )hunt for a part-time

5.我决定写信给他而不是打电话(要求用rather than)
I (decided) to write to(him) rather than call (him).
6.他有幸有一个幸福的家庭和健康的身体(要求用be blessed with)
He is blessed with a happy family and (a) healthy body.
Xiao Shenyang’s sense of humorous made an deep impression on (the)

The tourists (protested )against the bad (service) of the hotel.
9.说唱乐是一种很容易随着节拍跳舞的音乐形式(要求用dance to)
Rap is a music which can dance to the rhythm (easily)

11.爱迪生在实验室里尝试了数千次最终发明了电灯(try out)
Edison tried out thousands of times in the lab,(at last he )invented the

He (took) full advantage of the opportunity of joining English contest

to improve his spoken (English)
The scientist devoted (all his life) to explore the secret of nature,

who deserved to be respect.
14.你明天来这儿时我已经完成了这项工作了(要求用by the time)
By the time you come here tomorrow,I will have finished this work.
我感觉后面几句整体都不太对 很别扭 帮忙改改吧 谢谢
第1个回答  2010-04-09


3.I knew it was hopeless at the moment when I saw him.

4.加个连词把so he has to hunt for....

5.I decide to writte to him rather than call.




9.Rap is a music style which can dance....


12.He takes full advantage of the opportunity to advance his oral English.

13.The scientist deserved public respect since he devoted himself to explore the secret of nature.

14.By the time you come tomorrow,I will have finished this work.
第2个回答  2010-04-09
3.我一见到他就知道没有希望了(要求用the moment)
I knew there is no hope the moment i met him.

4.他对这份全职工作厌烦了,只好去寻求一份兼职工作(要求用be bored和

hunt for)
He is bored with this full-time job so he has to hunt for a part-time job.

5.我决定写信给他而不是打电话(要求用rather than)
I decide to write him a letter rather than call him.

6.他有幸有一个幸福的家庭和健康的身体(要求用be blessed with)
He is blessed with a happy family and a healthy body.

The tourists protest against the bad service of the hotel.

9.说唱乐是一种很容易随着节拍跳舞的音乐形式(要求用dance to)
Rap is a music which can dance to the rhythm easily.

11.爱迪生在实验室里尝试了数千次最终发明了电灯(try out)
Edison tried out thousand of times in the lab and finally invented the light.

He takes full advantage of the opportunity of joining English contest to improve his oral english.

The scientist devoted himself to exploring the secret of nature,

and he deserved people's respect.

14.你明天来这儿时我已经完成了这项工作了(要求用by the time)
I will have finished the work by the time you caome over here tomorrow.

第3个回答  2010-04-09
3. "it doesn't have hope" sounds weird. Can change to "I knew there was no hope the moment I met him" (u can change it to present tense if you want to).

4. He is bored with this full-time job and has to hunt for a part-time job.

6. and a healthy body

7. Xiao Shenyang's sense of humor made a deep impression on the

8. The tourists protest against the notorious servious of the hotel.

11. After trying out thousand times, Edison eventually invented light bulb.

12. He takes full advantage of the English contest to improve his oral English.

13. This scientist deserves great respect as he devotes himself to exploring the secret of nature.

14. By the time you come here tomorrow, I have already finished the work.

Just my opinions. I am not sure whether they are totally correct.