空之轨迹3rd》可以说是一部“Fan Disc”,是专门面向前两作玩家的编外篇。故事继半年后,『凯文』神父由『雷克鲁斯方石』而进入了异世界『影之国』,并与修女『莉斯』及前作中的其他14名好友一起展开收集式与回忆式的冒险。在回忆之门『星之门』中不仅对前作中人物的去向做了个交代,也为后作『英雄传说Ⅶ』的剧情设下了伏笔。所以可以说《空之轨迹3rd》是一个过渡作品。
One day, Yisidier Kaxiwusi father received a letter, read the letter, he learned something big happens and some amendments will be left Yisidier leave Asia alone. With his father's sudden departure, the two persons as a guerrilla trainee to become a true guerrilla guerrilla Disab...
We should use internet on the right way,and benefit from it.你字写得很好看,赞一个。
Hello, I am a Chinese female student, because I entered my own main page address by mistakenly a letter, therefore very accidentally entered your main page. Although we are different nationalities each other, we were very much predestined friends. Welcome you to have a look at...
Sorry for the late reply because i faced the computer problems few days ago. Hope you are understanding of my situation. I have check the details that you have sent to me.真不好意思这么晚才回复你,我的电脑前几天出毛病了。希望你可以理解我的情况。我已经查过了你发(送)给我的...
我这边很冷,正如你所知,我住在达喀尔(塞内加尔首都)的一个难民营里。住在这里就像住在监狱里一样,我多想上帝保佑我让我能快点逃离这里啊!我现在是举目无亲啊,我的亲人在战争中都失散了,我无处可走了。我现在唯一的好朋友就是教堂的 Rev.PETTER VIM 牧师。他从我来的那天起就对我很好,...
Cadmium stress on suzhou youth active oxygen metabolism Abstract: using the method of different concentrations of soil potted cadmium to suzhou youth active oxygen metabolism. The results showed that (it), low concentration reply pretty low concentration of cadmium (suzhou) for The growth ...
last year the Chinese network advertisement continued the swift growth, the market size amounts to 10,600,000,000 Yuan, grew 75.3% compared to the same period, indicated that the brand network advertisement form multiplication, the rich media and the video frequency advertisement became...
now, the rain is gone,我现在可以看清楚了,雨停了。I can see all obstacles in my way.我能够看到路上所有的困难。Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind 挡住我视线的乌云终于散开了。It’s gonna be a bright bright SUN SHINY day!!!那将会是一个很晴朗很明媚的一天。
英语好的朋友请帮我翻译以下文字(很简单的) 谢谢
time has changed the course 7:20 am to 5:30 pm I might stereotyping here, but do you eat noodles a lot?I do not frequently travel, because courses Too heavy and I carsick seasick A lot of my ideals, make a host, teacher, writer, or a Freelander (like Angus Fontaine)...
第八句:(遇到)红灯停下。第九句:不算太远。短文:The traffic light are the same in every country.每个国家的交通信号灯都是一样的。. There are always three lights : red,yellow and green.通常有三种灯:红灯,黄灯和绿灯。Red means "Stop".yellow means "Wait",and green means "...