
4. 工作程序
4.1 记录表格的控制:
4.1.1 各部门相关程序文件的编制者,根据有关活动和产品的特点,按实际需求设计记录格式, 并赋予其适合的名称,以便使用者能够掌握其记录信息的种类,然后由文控室根据《文件资料管理程序》进行统一编号,并编制《记录表单一览表》。
4.2 记录的索引
4.3 记录的收集与填写
4.3.1 记录应按设计规定的格式填写,该签署的地方一定要签署。
4.3.2 所有记录填写人要确保字迹清晰、完整、避免潦草。
4.3.3 所有记录一律用钢笔或圆珠笔填写,填写后的记录不得涂改,如需涂改,要在涂改部分用双横线在涂改处画线,并在上方填写更改内容,由改动人在更改处签字/盖章,并签上日期。
4.4 记录的保存
4.4.1 文控室应编制《记录表单一览表》记录有关的记录的索引编号,并规定其保存部门及期限。
4.4.2 记录的执行部门,应依记录的性质或时间分类归档保存,以显示产品或作业已符合规定要求,保存时依记录的索引编号依次存放。
4.4.3 当记录须装订储存时,在封页上注明本册记录的名称与记录的索引编号范围。

记录控制管理程序 文件编号 FJD-PR-002-1.0
生效日期 2005年03月15日
页次 共 3页 第2 页
4.4.4 记录保存时,应考虑储存环境、记录的性质与重要性,避免记录的损毁、变质、遗失。
4.4.5 不得用热敏传真件储存。
4.5 记录的调阅
4.5.1 记录保管部门应禁止非相关受权人员调阅记录。
4.5.2 当外部人员须调阅/复印记录时 ,应经部门负责人同意后方可复印或借阅相关的记录。
4.6.1 当记录超过保存期限时,由保存部门经部门主管批准后销毁过期无效的记录。
4.6.2 规定记录保存期限
A) 记录的保存项目和保存期限以最少量为原则。
B) 不低于产品的使用期限。
C) 客户的规定:若客户的保存期限与本公司不同时,应由业务人员或相关人员在接受订单前,和客户协商,确定个别客户相关的记录的保存期。
D) 认证单位认证或定期评审的时间间隔


4. Procedures
4.1 Control of record forms:
4.1.1 Organizers of related programfiles of each department, should design the form of record to the actual needs and give appropriate their names according to the characteristics of related products and activities, so that users could master the types of information. Then the documents should be uniformly numbered by document control department according to "Documentation administrators", and be organized in "documents list".
4.1.2 The record forms used by each department should be the valid and latest version, which will be aperiodically inspected by document control department. If there is any document of each department need to be changed, increased or abolished, the organizer should inform related person in document control department, for documents list's update in time, and document control department could keep the valid and lated versions of related record forms.
4.2 Index of the record
For later referrence of the records, the table planners should establish index number fence of tables for the writer filling in.
4.3 Collections and fill in of records
4.3.1 Records should be filld as the format designed, all signinature places should be signed.
4.3.2 All record fillers should ensure all fillings clear, complete.
4.3.3 All records should be written by pen or ballpen, records filled should not be altered; or using double hyphen on the altered part, and the changes are filled above, with the signature/stamp of the person who changes it and date.
4.4 Conservancy of the record
4.4.1 The document control department should organize document list to record related index numbers, and stipulate the preservation department and deadline of each document.
4.4.2 The department executing record should classifiedly archive them according to the nature or date,.
4.4.3 When the record should be binded for conservancy, the name and scope of index numbers of the records should be indicated clearly in sealing page.

Record control and management procedure document number: FJD-PR-002-1.0
inured date: March 15, 2005.
page total 3 pages 2th page

4.4.4 Conservancy of the record should take environment, the nature and importance of the records into account, and keep them from damage, deteropration and loss.
4.4.5 The records should not be stored by thermal faxes.
4.5 Usage of the record
4.5.1 the record keeping department should forbid borrowing to unrelated and unauthorized persons.
4.5.2 Exterior personnel's apply for reading or copying could be passed only with the agreement of the principal of this department.
4.6 destroy of the record
4.6.1 The overdue invalid record should be destoried after approval of the department's principal.
4.6.2 Regulate record's storage life
the organizer of related procedure document, should regulate the record's storage life in it when organize the table. Storage life should be based on principles as belows:
A) The conservancy items and storage life should follow the minimal quantity principle.
B) storage life should not be less than the usage life of the product.
C) The customer's provision: It should be consulted with customer by operationer or related person before we accept the order, when storage life of customer's and that of our are different.
D) The time partition of attestation by attestation unit or periodical judge.

看行不? 个别地方仍需斟酌~~
第1个回答  2007-01-26
4. The work procedure
4.1 Record the control of the form:
4.1.1 Each section the related procedure document draw up, pressing the actual need design record format according to the characteristics of the relevant activity and the product, and give its name for suit, for the purpose of user can control the category that it records an information, then be controled room by the text according to 《the document data management procedure 》carry on unifying serial number, and draw up 《record single general chart 》.
The record form that 4.1.2 each sections use has to be a lately valid edition, the text controls the room responsibility a person to need to expect to carry on to patrol uncertain.Each section demand change, increment or the cancel record form, have to notify the text controls the room responsibility a person, in order to change in time 《record single general chart 》, the text controls room and keeps in the meantime a set of related record form of the latest valid edition.
4.2 The index of the record
For the sake of the in the days to come check of the form and list record, the programming of the form and list should build up the index number column of the form and list, filling in index by the one who provide to fill in.
4.3 The collections of the record with fill in
4.3.1 The record should press the format of the design provision to fill in, should sign of the place must sign.
4.3.2 All records fill in a person and insure handwriting clear,integrity,avoid crabbed.
4.3.3 All records fill in with the fountain-pen or ball-point pen all, the record that fill in behind can not alter, if need to be alter, want to be altering part to use a pair of horizontal lines to be altering a painting line, and Be filling in to change a contents above, from change moving Be changing a signing/the cover chapter, and label last date.
4.4 The conservancy of the record
4.4.1 The text control the room should draw up 《record single general chart 》the record is relevant of the index serial number of the record, and rule it to keep the section and term.
4.4.2 The performance section of the record, should according to record of the property or time classification return back to file conservancy to have already met the provision request by showing the product or homework, keeping a hour to deposit one by one in order according to the index serial number of the record.
4.4.3 When the record beard bindings a storage, note the name of this volume record and the index serial number scope of the record in sealing page.

Record the control management procedure document serial number FJD-PR-002-1.0
Take effect date March 15th in 2005
Page number total 3 pages page 2ses
4.4.4 Should consider the storage environment while recording to keep,the property and importance for record, avoid record of damage,change in character,lose.
4.4.5 Can not use the hot 敏 fax piece a storage.
4.5 Record of survey
4.5.1 The record preservation section should forbid not- related be subjected to power a personnel to survey a record.
4.5.2 When the exterior personnel's beard survey/copy a record, should the Ministry of Economic Affairs door the representative director agree rear and can copy or borrow to read a related record.
4.6 record of destroy by burning
4.6.1 When the record exceeds an expiry day, from keep a section an approval through the head of department behind destroy by burning an overdue invalid record.
4.6.2 Provision record expiry day
The related procedure document draws up, should rule the expiry day of the record in the procedure document while program form and list, the consideration of the expiry day can basis following principle:
A) The conservancy item and expiry day of the record with minimal quantity for principle.
B) Be no lower than the usage term of the product.
C) The customer's provision:If the expiry day of the customer and the dissimilarity of our company, should from business personnel or related personnel before accepting order, with customer consultation, certain individual customer the conservancy of the related record period.
D) The time partition of the attestation unit attestation or periodical judge
第2个回答  2007-01-26
4. 4.1 The control procedures recorded form : 4.1.1 of the document preparation procedures related departments, According to the activities and the characteristics of the product, according to the actual needs of design recording format and given the appropriate name, to the type of information users access to its records. According to the text from the control room of the "documentation procedures" for uniform numbers, and make the "Form records list". 4.1.2 on the use of the records must be valid for the latest version, Wen takes control room responsible for irregular inspections. all departments need to change, increase or abolish the record form, Notification must control room responsible for timely change "records list Form" Meanwhile text control room to keep the records up to date and effective version of the form. 4.2 To the index recorded at the recording sheets in the future, planners should establish Form Form index numbers fence. for the writer to fill in the index. 4.3 4.3.1 record collection and complete records shall be designed to fill in the form. The signing of the territory must be signed. 4.3.2 to ensure that all records filling her clear, complete, notoriously difficult to avoid. 4.3.3 All records will be used a pen or pen fill in the record shall not be altered, if altered, Some alterations to the double hyphen in the altered Department drew lines and fill in the above changes, Department altered by changes in the signature / stamped and signed on the date. 440 record-keeping 4.4.1 text control room to be prepared for the "Form a list of records," the record the record index numbers. and provides for its preservation departments and deadlines. 4.4.2 records departments, the time should be classified according to the nature or archived records. to demonstrate products or meet operating requirements, according to records kept at index numbers were stored. 4.4.3 When the record store to be binding, in the letters page annotated index recorded a record number and the name of the scope. The document procedures for the control and management of records FJD-PR-002-1.0 effective date of March 15, 2005 Page 2 Page 3 pp 4.4.4 record keeping, should consider the storage environment, the nature and importance of records to avoid damage to the records, change the nature of the loss. 4.4.5 shall not be used for storage of thermal faxes. 4.5 4.5.1 record-keeping department records access to non-authorized personnel access to the relevant records. 4.5.2 When officers access to external / copying records, should agree on who is responsible for the department to borrow before copying or related records. When the destruction of records of more than 460 inadmissible expired, After approval by the competent departments preservation department, the destruction of expired records. 4.6.2 provides record-keeping procedures of documents related to the preparation period, the planning Form, should document provides record-keeping procedures in the period, the retention period can be considered in accordance with the following principles : A) record-keeping to the minimum retention period for the project and principle. B) not less than the use of a product deadlines. C) : If the customer and customer retention period of the company, be in business or related orders, and customer consultation. determine individual customer records related to the retention period. D) certification or certification units regularly in the time lag