-Are we stating the learning objectives and outcomes in a way that will be clear to students and will students recognise the way learning is structured to facilitate the achievement of outcomes?
-In overseas provision, what language is to be used in the programme of study, and what proficiency will projected students need to have in the language?
-In what ways does the content of programmes of study and component modules recognise the opportunities and constraints of the environment in which the programmes and modules may be studied and the situations and expectations of prospective students?
-How do we encourage students to be active learners?
-How are we pacing and structuring students' learning?
-Are we introducing frequent opportunities for students to use self-assessment and to obtain formative feedback so allowing them to monitor their own progress?
-Where students are projected to be individual, isolated learners, are we making information, instructions and guidance sufficiently full, explicit and clear?
-Do we provide students with clear information on what learning materials they are responsible for obtaining for themselves? Do students receive this information in time for them to act on it and still work according to the planned timetable for their studies? Do we tell students the probable cost of obtaining materials for which they are responsible?
-Where they will be required to use computers or other electronic technology, what support will we make available to students to familiarise themselves with required technology at the start of the programme of study?
-In the situations in which students may study, what local technical support can we assume will be available to those students who experience difficulties in setting up or maintaining essential equipment? Have our assumptions been tested?
-Have we assessed the relative costs of technologies? Have we made assessments of what equipment it will be realistic for students to be required to buy?
-Have we assessed the estimated lifetime of any technology we propose that students should use and have we determined whether its cost and life span presents good value to students and our own institution?
-Where we are planning to use computer-based learning, or other electronic technologies, will the technologies be sufficiently understood by any local agents or tutors and by our students, even when the technologies are not intrinsically relevant to the subject being studied?
-Are we assessing the student work-load involved in studying the programme or module against realistic norms?
-Where programmes are to operate outside the provider's country using computer-based learning, have we taken steps to ensure that equipment specifications and standards are compatible?
-Where computer-based learning is to be used, are we arranging for local agents to make essential equipment available to students or are we expecting students to acquire their own equipment?
1. 在城市找工作要比乡村更容易.It’s much easier to find a job in city than that in country.2. 有许多有趣的事情可做,有许多好玩的地方可以参观.There are many funny things to do as well as many amused places to visit.3. 如果你想放松,你可以去餐馆吃饭,可以参观博物馆,去电影院...
我是这样理解的:1. The out-urban intersection can be sought from a look,out of the window, at the harmony between dwellers and habitations.介词很好,我喜欢!意思理解得还行吧?2.穿过城市的边缘,看见的是窗外穿插的节奏。这种穿插的乐趣让你的旅行充满这城市的诱惑 Through the outskirts of ...
A:不了,我等下还有课,不过今天非常感谢你跟我讨论这些有趣的发明知识 No. I have classes to take later. Any way. Thank you very much for talking with me so many interesting things about invention.B: 我也是,那我继续看书了 Me too. Well, I will go on my reading.A: 嗯,...
1:How can we effectively deal with life in danger?2:What is your role players? What are they?3:有些人说:“你做什么,你多大程度的定义,你同意吗?你认为哪个更重要,言语或行为是正当的吗?4:Do you have any questions?——Tee-hee!
is wearing a mask, so he can't smell the flowers.英译汉:1.我在墙上贴了日历,这样我就不会忘记我的约会了。2.请把杯子里倒上牛奶。3.我跑得和玛丽一样快。4.超市卖各种各样不同的东西。5.你不应该几小时几小时得看电视。看电视占据了你太多的时间。6.史密斯夫人在睡觉前做了祷告。
我自认为我是一个很聪明的人(可不能不认真学习,因为再聪明,不认真学习也是竹篮打水——一场空)。我可以在数学上与男同学一较高下,可以和他们一起从天文谈到地理,从生活琐事谈到国家大事。哪怕是关于NBA、德比大战等等,我都可以给他们说上几句(有点夸张了),可谓是“知无不言,言无不尽”。 可同样,我还是一...