Urban Governance
Urban governance encompasses institutional strengthening and capability building, decentralization, community participation, and involvement of the private sector. Infused within these components are four principles that form the foundation of good governance as part of improved urban management: (i) accountability of public sector staff and organizations; (ii) greater participation of community and interest groups in decision making on the delivery of services and demand management; (iii) predictability of markets, regulations, and legal frameworks; and (iv) transparency in dealings between the private sector and government.
Implicit within urban governance is the necessity of a holistic, comprehensive view of urban economic development, and a clear understanding of its linkages to investment promotion, competitive advantage, urban management capacity, and responsiveness to the requirements of the private sector. Urban economic development is an interrelated, complex process that requires the creation of an enabling environment that supports productive firms and individuals; promotes conditions for efficient urban markets for land, labor, and credit; and capitalizes on an urban center's competitive and comparative advantages. Cities and other urban centers must be able to develop such a vision and an associated enabling environment through intensive consultation, participatory community processes, and innovative partnerships. Importantly, urban centers must be able to articulate this vision to the world at large, while at the same time strengthen urban governance through a continuing process of self-monitoring and evaluation.
(Adapted from the Word Bank, Word Bank Urban and Local Government Strategy, 2000)
昨天,我感到后悔,欺骗你让你感到悲伤。 我将不会再犯这样的错误,直到现在我无法平静,因为你说分手。能不对我那么残忍吗? 感觉必死还难受,我爱你,我无法忘记那夜。你是我的唯一,我将不会在欺骗你。倾听彼此,这会很幸福的。我英语水平仅仅而已,就写这些吧。我真的很爱你,原谅我吧。
With regard to legislation during the war, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, a move in the history of examining and studying Guangchang Summary: August 1939, I fell to the Japanese in Nanchang of Jiangxi Province, rape loot, stop at no evil. Tens of millions of innocent civilians abando...
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