Sorry for supplying you the wrong customer information last time 楼上那个明显是翻译软件干的,^_^
急,在线等,帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢。内容为:你好,很抱歉上次发你我司的账 ...
Hello, I'm sorry to send you the last time we account information is incorrect, $500 has been returned to you, the following is our correct account information, please pay again once, give you the trouble I'm very sorry
Dear friends from far and near, I'm so sorry that I gave you the wrong link. I hope that you guys can help me gain the free suit by pressing the "like" on my facebook. Thank you very much!
Dear Mr Holl:I apologise that I respond so late.I have checked the details of my account. The correct account number is:。。。帐号信息。。。Thank you for your help. I hope that I can get the money back as soon as possible.Look forward to listening from you soon.Many thank...
我很抱歉,我无法提供你的讯息,向下列地址。 这是一个永久性的错误,我已经放弃了。对不起,它不工作。http:\/\/translate.google.com\/translate_t?langpair=zh|en这是google的翻译网不知道翻译得是否准确但是希望有帮到你 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 评论 0 0 ...
sheet. Therefor, would you please ask the bank to issue a guarntee letter of address modification to us? I truely sorry about the unconvinenece because the address not update on the order. We would like to afford any expense produced by modify theremittance.人工翻译,请采纳 ...
如果是追发一封邮件告诉对方上一封发错了,可以说: This is write to say sorry for an email with subject "xxx" which is mailed to you by mistake at "ZZZ". 某月某日发的主题为XXX的信是发错了,Sorry for the troble.很抱歉给你添麻烦. 发错信可大可小,如果不涉及保密,只需...
Sorry for my careless.问题二:我很抱歉什么意思 对不起 问题三:对于这件事我感到很抱歉.的翻译是:什么意思 I am very sorry about this.问题四:对于我多次错误我感到十分抱歉的翻译是:什么意思 对于我多次错误我感到十分抱歉 翻译成英文是:I am very sorry for my mistakes of many times...
翻译成英文 语法一定要正确 要发给领导的 拜托大家啊
I am sorry because I received e-mail look up the information required to provide information to XX misunderstood. I saw it last week to ask you XX seven containers. And then and let me help to provide. I am mistaken if I offer to assist the seven containers of this ...
1.由于我的表达不够完善,给您造成的疑惑,我表示抱歉.I am sorry for the confusion caused by my inadequate expression.2.给您的价格,是包含所有包装材料.通常定货少于40个(货物),价格已经没办法再有变化.已经是价格底线,很抱歉.Our offer include the cost of packing material. I am sorry to ...