求英语高手帮忙把一篇中文邮件翻译成英文! 有些句子可以大意差不多就好!小弟在此谢谢了!!我要发给外国友人!!帮帮忙!不要用翻译工具翻译的!原文是: 嘿!最近怎么样?你们一家人都还好么? 北京奥运会开幕式确实很精彩,你最喜欢其中的哪些节目? 主题歌"我和你"也很浪漫,你听过吗?不过我更喜欢2000年悉尼奥运会的主题歌 "The Flame",对,就是由蒂娜·艾莲娜演唱的那首歌! 比赛已经进行几天了,我为中国能在金牌榜上暂时领先而感到高兴!中国现在太需要一次成功的奥运会来振奋一下了!因为中国今年已经经历了太多的灾难!年初的雪灾,还有”5.12:大地震,已经死了近7万人了!!并且还有2万人失踪! 不过美国的实力很强,特别是在田径这一领域,还有菲尔普斯那个家伙!又拿了一块金牌并且还破了世界纪录!天知道这怪物接下来还会做出什么令人疯狂的事情来呢?! 你有看奥运比赛吗?你都看了那些节目? 我并没有直接参与进奥运志愿者的服务行列当中去,毕竟这也是很困难的一件事情,但是奥运圣火在我家乡传递的时候我去了现场助威!场面很热闹!我还拍了几张照片,你要看吗? 我记得我有发给你一封关于这件事的邮件,你没有收到吗? 是的,水立方确确实实很漂亮,我觉得它甚至比鸟巢还要神奇!白天的“水立方”,是淡蓝色的。不过,夜晚的“水立方”,却蕴含着无限可能,可以变换颜色,还可以组合成各种图案!! 有机会,你一定要来中国参观这些建筑! 对了,你也是个学生,你上几年级了? 你也要加油啊!祝你好运(写一些一些祝福话语!)
May you everything goes well with your work, wish too your mother is healthy!
Dear Tom,How nice to hear from you again. You want to know what is going on in our school. In short, things have been improving since the school began to carry on exploring study.In the past, the teachers always kept on explaining the points in class. We students just list...
仅供参考:We tried but failed to contact you at the 10th last week. We would high apprecaite if you could reply us ASAP on the date when you want to vist your company and show you the lock screwdriver. Thanks.
Office assistant:1. Email, fax, scan files,Assists supervisor processing related matters,3 communication customer, customer information feedback, handling of customer information,4 data entry, proofreading and attendance statistics,5..25 drafting and modified report, manuscripts,6 and categor...
Anna, hello,I am very sorry, I think because my expression is not clear, so you did not know what I mean.You know, in August this year is Andy in suppliers management. While he was responsible for the time, our factory is in use by your company provides products, found a...
we will work over time and send "catalog" to you in 5th Feb(Beijing)PM \/5th Feb (Swiss) AM by e-mail,we are sorry about that 希望我们能给你更多的帮助,谢谢!wish we can give you more help, thanks a lot!附:我们公司的介绍。PS:the introduction of our company ...
please give me some cursory details, and I will give you further guidance 2-3 letters — from individuals reasonably prominent or accomplished in some way, and believably familiar with your work in your field — attesting in concrete and credible detail to both the originalit...
我的先生(工程师Silas Hines)将自己的毕生精力投入到个人的实践中去,他对于那些身体残疾或者经济有困难的人总是有着饱满的热情,也正因为如此,我们到现在还没有孩子.我的后一任丈夫在大不列颠银行存放着总价为2.45百万英镑的资产,这些资产可分为他巨额的不动产和在伦敦市场的投资.这些资产现在仍然留在...
However, there are different kinds of stress. Some kinds of stress are good and others are bad. Good stress might happen when you’re called to answer questions in class or when you have to give a speech. This kind of stress can help you to get things better done. For ...
【见工自我介绍请批阅一下错处】 .knowledge.yahoo\/question\/question?qid=7012040501089 【帮忙翻译英文自我介绍】 .knowledge.yahoo\/question\/question?qid=7012040600805 2012-04-10 14:59:03 补充: If there is more than one ucc cafe you need to write down which one you went.