Company Name: Street Address: ____P.O Box: Country/ State/ Province:
Postal Code: ____Country: ___Telephone Number: Fax Number:
Person to Contact: Title: E-mail Address: Mobile Number:
Company Website:
Please indicate below, your type of business:
Broker/ Trading Company Marketing Company Other describe below
What year was your business established?____
Indicate number of years in health care related business?____
In which countries, beside your own, do you provide your services?
In which country are you planning to distribute our products?
Is your company a division or subsidiary of another company? Yes No
If yes, please list the name and location of parent company:
How many people does your company employ?
How many sales representatives are in your company?
Does your company sell through independent sales representatives, agents or distributors? Yes No
If yes, please provide a brief explanation of the number and type of other sales:
Please provide us with your company’s sales (in USD) for the following years:
2010 US $ _____2009 US $ ____2008 US $ ___2007 US $ _____
List the names of the following principal executives:
President / CEO: Managing Director / General Manager:____
Vice President / Manager – Sales: Vice President / Manager – Marketing:
III. References
Name of your Bank: Address: Telephone: Fax: COMMERCIAL REFERENCES
Business Name: Address: Contact Name: Contact Telephone:
Relationship: Length of Relationship:
Business Name: Contact Name: Contact Telephone: Relationship:
Length of Relationship:
Business Name: Address: Contact Name: Contact Telephone: Relationship: Length of Relationship:
请帮我将下面的中文翻译成英文,万分感谢! 45 谁可以帮个忙?谢谢!!我正在翻译一段话,但是由于我英语很烂,翻译了好久,都不行...因为我是高中毕业的,毕业已经好多年了...英语都忘记好多了...但是现在要用到,可是我翻译不了啊...我用... 谁可以帮个忙? 谢谢!! 我正在翻译一段话,但是由于我英语很烂,...
If I met you in heaven,would you hold my hands tightly?If I met you in heaven,would you love me once more?Let me find a road from daylight to dark night.Because I'll find you.Oh my darling! Bring me away!Please!As I know no tears in heaven.Tears in heaven Time make...
Focus, and achieves the ultimate.
心系镇雄 、 怎么翻译英文 、 希望好心人帮个忙、本人万分感谢。
Tied to the town
求翻译 万分紧急 在线等 谢谢了 绞尽脑汁不会 唉 技术不过关_百度知 ...
在审核你们的生产线时,让我问你几个问题。 请告诉我哪些开关是你们自己工厂生产的哪些是真正由外包工厂生产的。 我这么说是因为我从来没见过你们工厂生产,防盗 型,触摸式或者大摇杆类型的产品。(产品类型你应该知道)你知道二月以后,我想扩大对canal公司的开关销售。但是仅考虑要求数量和在工厂直接生产...
意思和你想所表达的是一致的.我不太确定你是要一个直译,还是只想把这种意思表达给你那位英语水平很高的朋友.如果是前者,可以用那句直译,如果是后者,那么可以用那句意译.你自己参考一下.我生活在国外十多年了、这两种翻译是没错的.请及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒ ...
our parents. They have already dealt with most of the problems we face.年轻当然不容易。太多的变动,太多的问题,太少的经验可以帮助我们。我们的身体和思维变的很快,并且整个经历可以说是恐怖。事实上,许多这样的疑难问题可以从我们的父母那儿找到答案。他们已经完全处理好了许多我们遇到的问题。
笑颜が见えていますか?【能看到我的微笑吗】短い夏が过ぎ【短暂的夏天过去】风が秋を运んで【风送来秋天的脚步】星降る冬を越え【越过星辰降临的冬季】あと何度 春を生きる?【还能迎来几个春天?】形を变えながら【即便变幻着形态】今も时は流れる【此刻时间也依旧流逝】限りある命を【这...
...英文看不懂 大家能帮个忙翻一下么 万分感谢
你好,知道英语牛人团为你翻译。这个老外说的是:“我们目前不在办公室。我通过PayPal查了一下,不过我找不到你的订单。我明天会再核查一次。你有没有下载到我们的产品呢?”如果你需要给这个老外回复但不知道怎么说,可以把你的中文打给我,我帮你翻译,你再复制粘贴回去。希望对你有帮助 :-)...