
我国工程界习惯于以一个整体结构单元来区分结构类别。例如在混凝土结构这个总概念下包含了素混凝土结构、钢筋混凝土结构和预应力混凝土结构。但美国学术界和工程界考虑到一个整体结构中可能某些构件或部件采用钢筋混凝土,另一些构件或部件则可能使用素混凝土或预应力混凝土,也可能使用钢结构。因此,他们近20余年来使用了“起结构作用的混凝土”(Structural Concrete)这样一个概念。本译文为了简便译为“结构混凝土”。根据这本规范第2.2节的定义,结构混凝土是素混凝土、钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土的集成。这样,就可以不受一个整体结构的限制,而把结构混凝土或其包括的素混凝土、钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土作为说明结构某一部分采用的构成形式的专业术语来使用。

3.从整体上说美国的结构混凝土设计所用的可靠度表达方式与我国规范有一定的相似之处,但在设计用荷载和设计用材料强度的取值水准上以及可靠度的表达方式上与我国规范有不可忽视的区别。如果以某个构件的截面设计为例,美国规范在“作用”一侧也是以规范规定的荷载取值(其含义与我国荷载标准值类似,但各项荷载的取值有区别)为依据,并将其乘以荷载系数,同时考虑荷载组合(荷载系数与荷载组合原则与我国规范不完全相同)。而在“抗力”一侧,美国规范是用各类材料的标准值计算出的“名义强度”(nominal strength)乘以一个各类构件取值不同的强度降低系数 来获得设计强度的,其中的 所起的作用类似于我国通过材料分项系数将各类材料的标准值降低为材料的设计值。但应注意,美国规范的各类材料的标准强度取值原则也与中国规范不同。当需要具体对比美国规范和中国规范相应材料的设计可靠度水准时,应注意查清中、美两国在“作用”和“抗力”各方所涉及的各项因素的取值原则和取值依据上的一系列重要区别。


Posts a reward the minute: 20 - finished to the question also has 14 days 23 hours
Our country engineering is accustomed to differentiates the structure category by a overall construction unit. For example has contained the plain concrete structure, the reinforced concrete structure and the prestressed concrete structure under concrete structure this total concept. But the American academic circles and engineering considered the possible certain components or the part uses the reinforced concrete to a overall construction in, another some components or part then are possible to use the plain concrete or the prestressed concrete, also possibly uses the steel structure. Therefore, their nearly more than 20 years have used "the concrete which the structure affects" (Structural Concrete) this kind of concept. This translation in order to easily translates is "the structure concrete". According to this standard 2.2nd definition, the structure concrete is the plain concrete, the reinforced concrete and the prestressed concrete integration. Thus, may not a overall construction limit, but the plain concrete, the reinforced concrete and the prestressed concrete which or it includes the structure concrete the constitution form technical expression which use as explanation structure some part uses.

3. from the whole said American the structure design of concrete concrete design uses 可靠度 the expression way and our country standard have certainly certainly similarity, but in design with load and design with in material strength value standard as well as 可靠度 in the expression way has the noticeable difference with our country standard. If take some component section design as an example, the united states standard in "the function" a side also is by the standard stipulation load value (its meaning and our country load standard value similar, but each load value has difference) is the basis, and it while by the load coefficient, simultaneously considered the load combination (load coefficient and load combination principle and our country standard quite same not less than). But in "the resisting force" a side, the united states standard is calculates "the nominal intensity" with each kind of material standard value (nominal strength) while to obtain the design intensity by an each kind of component value different intensity step-down ratio, plays the role is similar to our country reduces through the material sub-item coefficient each kind of material standard value for the material design value. But should pay attention, the united states standard each kind of material proof value principle is also different with the Chinese standard. When needs specifically to contrast the united states standard and the Chinese standard corresponding material design 可靠度 standard, should pay attention investigates thoroughly China, beautiful both countries in each factor value principle and value basis a series of important differences which and "the resisting force" all quarters involve in "the function".

The American construction standard only can produce the lowest request which and essential provides for public's health and the security. The standard is based on this principle formulation. Regarding any structure, the owner and the structure designers all may propose compared to the standard which needs from the protection public's angle request lowly request a higher material and the construction quality. But does not permit a lower standard.
第1个回答  2007-12-28
太长了 没有那么多的时间