每一朵花都有自己的故事和传说。传说中,她是自愿下地狱的,后来被魔鬼们遣送回人间,但是却一直在黄泉路上徘徊不肯走。最后魔鬼们便让它把花开在沿途的道路上,给离开人界的灵魂一个指引的安慰。 它叫Red Spider Lily。代表的是 人力,伤心,死亡之美。当我得知了这些信息之后我想到了那些甘于付出一切的人。在中国有一句固话“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。”这句话的意思是,在人的一生中总会有死的那一天,为什么不让死,死的有意义呢? 这句话完全诠释了曼珠沙华的中心意义。
TAT谢谢啊翻译的真棒,在帮我翻一下这段吧 谢谢你!
The flower represents a person. Everyone has their own unique stories of their own life. Flower is the same. From the birth, growth, grow old and die, every detail is so much alike. Chinese saying, "Like father bystander" when we can not find their own direction in life, y...
The happiest thing is I met the most beautiful moment I met you, even if we end up not together, thank God you appeared in my life, so I know the world as a hot not let meno turning back, even with the worldwide enemy expense.我是一字一字对着的翻译的,不会错,望采纳,...
Life is just like a boat sailing on the sea. 人生就像是一艘船航行在大海上Sometimes it goes smoothly but at other times it will be thrashed by the shocking surges and terrifying waves.有时平平静静,有时却会遭受经涛骇浪的打击 Believe you are the sail of the boat.相信你自己就是...
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trade barriers should be green features in the analysis on the basis of a better understanding of the rules of international trade, and deepen the understanding of China's trade status, the better for the cause of China's import and export services.Trade barriers; Green Barrier ...
Ever increasing the competition of credit card tradement, anyone who want to share a marketing segmentation has to grasp enough customer groups. College students have been being the potential high-quality customers of the intending credit card market. To some extent, anyone who occupys ...
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Australia, it is possible to have a collective discussion for the decision if you come up with better ideas of any other kind. Your comments would be highly appreciated.By the way, please find enclosed two pictures of mine I prepared for you.仅供参考,望能帮助到你,呵呵!
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