

In late November 2007, Songjiang Industrial Zone held a training course for safe production, Huang Li Hong and I, Pune participated in the 1000 spring respectively in charge of production safety in charge of production safety and management expertise training. Through this training, we learned a lot of professional knowledge, I will now turn to some of it.
"Safety Production Law" one of the most important features is more explicit production safety accidents and accountability in the management of production safety must always adhere to the "safety first, prevention," the guidelines. It also reflected in the management of production safety, we should strengthen the "advance" and "prevention first" philosophy, and further specify the only effective means to prevent safety incidents, and security management can achieve the highest level. In practical work to increase the defense and mutual defense capability to establish a safety management of the new trend. Production accidents in the course of the possibility nipped in the bud.
第1个回答  2007-12-19
At the end of last ten days of month, the loose river industrial area held a safety production a qualifications training a class, don't attend the cent of safe production to take care of a representative director and safe production control personnel for thousand vernal equinoxes of I and Huang2 Li4 Hong2, river bank of professional the knowledge train.Pass this training, we learn the knowledge of much profession, I come right away to discuss now some realize.
《The safety produces a method 》one of the most important characteristicses, be more explicit produce safe trouble of the responsibility pursue and want in the production the safety the management the work instruction policy of insist"safety first, prevention is lord" always.It return body now want to enhance the principle of "run before consciousness", "prevention is lord" on the safe production control, further explicit only availably prevent°from producing the occurrence of safe trouble, then can make safety management the work attain the tallest state.Raise in actually the work from defend and with each other defend ability, start to build up a safety a management the new vogue of the work thus.Exterminate the possibility of occurrence trouble in the production line at the embryonic ppearance.