汉语和英语中的一些词都可以用作不同的词性,只是,汉语里的词如果用作其他词性的话,词形本身不会发生变化,因此,同一个汉语词汇通常可以体现不同的词性。例如:“发展”、“提高”、“成功”这几个词,在汉语中即可以作名词也可以 作动词。而英语中的单词在转换词性时,通常会在词形上有所转变。例如,汉语中的“发展'这个词,在英语中动词为”develop“,名词为”development“;”经济“这个词,在英语中名词为”economy“,动词为”economize“,形容词为”economic“和”economical“。但是很多学生在学习过程中往往只记住了它们的汉语意思,而没有记住它们的词性,因此在实际运用中就会出现”with the develop of the economic“这样的错误。这都是由于汉语词性的转换过程没有词形变换而造成的英语词汇习得过程中的负迁移。
part of speech misusing Both in Chinese and English, we can find words of more than one part of speech. The difference lies in that we don't make change to the form when we are applying various part of speech of a certain word in Chinese. In another word, of the same s...
急急急,谁能帮我翻译一段话,差不多就可以,跪谢了!!! 翻译成英文,就是下...
这就给语言的初学者在词义掌握方面造成了困难。当学习者由于自身的英语词汇量有限而不能正确表达自己的思想时,就会把类似汉语意思的英语单词生搬硬套上。例如,将“步入社会”翻译成”go to society",将“锻炼自己”表述成“practice myself”。这类错误就是学习者把其中文意思与英文意思从字面上简单地...
求好心人帮我把下面一段内容翻译成英文,跪谢!内容如下:1、客户提供厨 ...
provide kitchen equipment, fuel, water, electricity, staff quarters, staff or staff to provide the meals per person per day standard,
I write my mood into someplace where nobody knows,and make it change into a lifetime secret .
Hello. I am XXX, aged 25. I come from XXX City XXX Province. I graduated from Japanese Department in XXX University in July, 2009. After that, I worked in A company as a translator \/ interpretor and assistant in XXX Department. During the 3-year work, my Japanese has got ...
Caterpillar-卡特彼勒(我的公司)Perkins-珀金斯(卡特彼勒旗下的公司)领导让我翻译一个英文PPT,我英语不是很好,求大虾们帮忙,能翻多少就多少,跪谢!Therefore we are having a safety stand down to cascade this important message.(所以我们有一个安全的不在场人员来发布这个重要的信息)Between May...
求求你们了帮帮我 翻译一下 把这些翻译成英文 我跪谢 特别急
love. I will support you in your work of caring. I would sentiments of the way to give you now descended to. Just want you to stay. The former would like to think after the end I think that the world has a habit of your existence. All have past, please stay ...
Because my surname childhood name white, I will acknowledge wrong and then change, I will accompany you to future, I will trust but show consideration to give you the true love.I will support your work to give you be concerned with .I will give with the way of the natural ...
Wife,What are you doing?